открытый веб-адрес от Алекса навык в Python - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 09 января 2019

Я пытаюсь создать собственный навык в alexa и хочу открыть веб-ссылку в моей системе через намерение, но я не могу этого сделать. кто-нибудь может мне помочь, как я новичок в Алексе вот моя функция AWS: -

    from __future__ import print_function
    import requests

    def build_speechlet_response(title, output, reprompt_text, 
       return {
            'outputSpeech': {
            'type': 'PlainText',
            'text': output
        'card': {
            'type': 'Simple',
            'title': "SessionSpeechlet - " + title,
            'content': "SessionSpeechlet - " + output
        'reprompt': {
            'outputSpeech': {
                'type': 'PlainText',
                'text': reprompt_text
        'shouldEndSession': should_end_session

    def build_response(session_attributes, speechlet_response):
      return {
        'version': '1.0',
        'sessionAttributes': session_attributes,
        'response': speechlet_response

    def get_test_response():

      session_attributes = {}
      card_title = "Test"
      html = requests.get('http://www.flipkart.com')
      speech_output = "This is a test message  from abbas. you can add more test intent now."/html.text()
      reprompt_text = "You never responded to the first test message. Sending another one."
      should_end_session = False
      return build_response(session_attributes, build_speechlet_response(
        card_title, speech_output, reprompt_text, should_end_session))

    def get_welcome_response():

      session_attributes = {}
      card_title = "Welcome"
      speech_output = "Welcome to your custom demo alexa application!"
      # If the user either does not reply to the welcome message or says something
      # that is not understood, they will be prompted again with this text.
      reprompt_text = "I don't know if you heard me, welcome to your custom alexa application!"
      should_end_session = False
      return build_response(session_attributes, build_speechlet_response(
        card_title, speech_output, reprompt_text, should_end_session))

    def handle_session_end_request():
      card_title = "Session Ended"
      speech_output = "Thank you for trying the Alexa Skills Kit sample. " \
                    "Have a nice day! "
      # Setting this to true ends the session and exits the skill.
      should_end_session = True
      return build_response({}, build_speechlet_response(
        card_title, speech_output, None, should_end_session))

    def on_session_started(session_started_request, session):

      # Add additional code here as needed

    def on_launch(launch_request, session):
       """ Called when the user launches the skill without specifying what 
       # Dispatch to your skill's launch message
       return get_welcome_response()

def on_intent(intent_request, session):
    """ Called when the user specifies an intent for this skill """

    intent = intent_request['intent']
    intent_name = intent_request['intent']['name']

    # Dispatch to your skill's intent handlers
    if intent_name == "test":
        return get_test_response()

    elif intent_name == "AMAZON.HelpIntent":
        return get_welcome_response()
    elif intent_name == "AMAZON.CancelIntent" or intent_name == "AMAZON.StopIntent":
        return handle_session_end_request()
        raise ValueError("Invalid intent")

def on_session_ended(session_ended_request, session):
    """ Called when the user ends the session.

    Is not called when the skill returns should_end_session=true
    print("on_session_ended requestId=" + session_ended_request['requestId'] +
          ", sessionId=" + session['sessionId'])
    # add cleanup logic here

# --------------- Main handler ------------------

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    """ Route the incoming request based on type (LaunchRequest, IntentRequest,
    etc.) The JSON body of the request is provided in the event parameter.
    print("Incoming request...")

    Uncomment this if statement and populate with your skill's application ID to
    prevent someone else from configuring a skill that sends requests to this
    # if (event['session']['application']['applicationId'] !=
    #         "amzn1.echo-sdk-ams.app.[unique-value-here]"):
    #     raise ValueError("Invalid Application ID")

    if event['session']['new']:
        on_session_started({'requestId': event['request']['requestId']},

    if event['request']['type'] == "LaunchRequest":
        return on_launch(event['request'], event['session'])
    elif event['request']['type'] == "IntentRequest":
        return on_intent(event['request'], event['session'])
    elif event['request']['type'] == "SessionEndedRequest":
        return on_session_ended(event['request'], event['session'])

Это мой код, и я хочу открыть веб-URL в моей локальной системе, чтобы открыть этот URL-адрес. для этого я попытался добавить библиотеку запросов и через это я запросил URL и вызвал его в речевом выводе в тестовом намерении. но это не работает. Кто-нибудь может мне помочь?
