После компиляции Python 2.7.15 из исходного кода и установки в RedHat Enterprise 6.x я заметил существенную разницу в ldap.modlist между 2.7.12 и 2.7.15. Это существенно влияет на нашу реализацию Ansible (которая использует LDAP в качестве источника для сценария hosts).
Следующий пример кода:
import ldap.modlist as ml
d = { 'a': 'word', 'cn': 'ou=example,ou=com' }
e = { 'a': 'other word', 'cn': 'ou=example,ou=com'}
ldif = ml.modifyModlist(d, e)
print str(ldif)
Вывод в соответствии с 2.7.12 (который выглядит правильно)
[(1, «а», нет), (0, «а», «другое слово»)]
Вывод в 2.7.15 (который отображается неверно)
[(1, 'a', нет), (0, 'a', ['o', 't', 'h', 'e',
'r', '', 'w', 'o', 'r', 'd'])]
Это известная ошибка? Кому я должен представить это? (GitHub?)
Вот "diff" между 2 исходными файлами ldap.modlist:
ВЕРСИЯ 2.7.15 - ">"
ВЕРСИЯ 2.7.12 это "<" </p>
PS1=> diff /Library/Python/2.7.12/site-packages/ldap/modlist.py /tmp/py2.7.15/build_modlist.py
< See http://www.python-ldap.org/ for details.
< $Id: modlist.py,v 1.18 2011/06/06 13:07:38 stroeder Exp $
< Python compability note:
< This module is known to work with Python 2.0+ but should work
< with Python 1.5.2 as well.
> See https://www.python-ldap.org/ for details.
< import string,ldap,ldap.cidict
< def list_dict(l,case_insensitive=0):
< """
< return a dictionary with all items of l being the keys of the dictionary
< If argument case_insensitive is non-zero ldap.cidict.cidict will be
< used for case-insensitive string keys
< """
< if case_insensitive:
< d = ldap.cidict.cidict()
< else:
< d = {}
< for i in l:
< d[i]=None
< return d
> import ldap
< ignore_attr_types = list_dict(map(string.lower,(ignore_attr_types or [])))
> ignore_attr_types = {v.lower() for v in ignore_attr_types or []}
< for attrtype in entry.keys():
< if ignore_attr_types.has_key(string.lower(attrtype)):
> for attrtype, value in entry.items():
> if attrtype.lower() in ignore_attr_types:
< attrvaluelist = filter(lambda x:x!=None,entry[attrtype])
> attrvaluelist = [item for item in value if item is not None]
< modlist.append((attrtype,entry[attrtype]))
> modlist.append((attrtype, value))
< ignore_attr_types = list_dict(map(string.lower,(ignore_attr_types or [])))
< case_ignore_attr_types = list_dict(map(string.lower,(case_ignore_attr_types or [])))
> ignore_attr_types = {v.lower() for v in ignore_attr_types or []}
> case_ignore_attr_types = {v.lower() for v in case_ignore_attr_types or []}
< attrtype_lower_map[string.lower(a)]=a
< for attrtype in new_entry.keys():
< attrtype_lower = string.lower(attrtype)
< if ignore_attr_types.has_key(attrtype_lower):
> attrtype_lower_map[a.lower()]=a
> for attrtype, value in new_entry.items():
> attrtype_lower = attrtype.lower()
> if attrtype_lower in ignore_attr_types:
< new_value = filter(lambda x:x!=None,new_entry[attrtype])
< if attrtype_lower_map.has_key(attrtype_lower):
> new_value = [item for item in value if item is not None]
> if attrtype_lower in attrtype_lower_map:
< old_value = filter(lambda x:x!=None,old_value)
> old_value = [item for item in old_value if item is not None]
< case_insensitive = case_ignore_attr_types.has_key(attrtype_lower)
< old_value_dict=list_dict(old_value,case_insensitive)
< new_value_dict=list_dict(new_value,case_insensitive)
< delete_values = []
< for v in old_value:
< if not new_value_dict.has_key(v):
< replace_attr_value = 1
< break
< add_values = []
< if not replace_attr_value:
< for v in new_value:
< if not old_value_dict.has_key(v):
< replace_attr_value = 1
< break
> if attrtype_lower in case_ignore_attr_types:
> old_value_set = {v.lower() for v in old_value}
> new_value_set = {v.lower() for v in new_value}
> else:
> old_value_set = set(old_value)
> new_value_set = set(new_value)
> replace_attr_value = new_value_set != old_value_set
< for a in attrtype_lower_map.keys():
< if ignore_attr_types.has_key(a):
> for a, val in attrtype_lower_map.items():
> if a in ignore_attr_types:
< attrtype = attrtype_lower_map[a]
> attrtype = val