Спасибо @ JS_is_bad за отличный совет о соседях. вот бегущий код для этой проблемы
def findNeighbours(l,elem):
#This try is for escaping from unbound error that happens
#when we try to iterate through indices that are not in array
#Iterate through each item of multidimensional array using enumerate
for row,i in enumerate(l):
#Identifying the column index of the givem element
except ValueError:
# hn=list(((x,y+1),(x,y-1))) #horizontal neighbours=(x,y+/-1)
# vn=list(((x+1,y),(x-1,y))) #vertical neighbours=(x+/-1,y)
# dn=list(((x+1,y+1),(x-1,y-1),(x+1,y-1),(x-1,y+1))) #diagonal neighbours=(x+/-1,y+/-1)
#Creating a list with values that are actual neighbors for the extracted index of array
#Creating a universe of indices from given array
index_list=[(i,j) for i in range(len(l)) for j in range(len(l[i]))]
#Looping through index_list and nested loop for neighbours but filter for matched ones
# and extract the value of respective index
return_values=[l[index[0]][index[1]] for index in index_list for neighbour in neighbours if index==neighbour]
return return_values,neighbours
except UnboundLocalError:
return []