Я предполагаю, что a1 является преобразованием, поскольку вы обращаетесь к его переменной позиции. Я также предполагаю, что вы назначаете эти игровые объекты индивидуально в инспекторе.
Я бы сделал следующее:
// Make sure to put all your a objects in this list in the inspector
public List<Transform> myABCObjects;
void CheckPositions()
// This foreach loop, will loop through your list of transforms, so your a b c
// objects would be added to this list via the inspector, or through whatver
// code you are using to set them.
foreach(Transform a in myABCObjects)
// Not to sure if you can do an == on a vector3, but I wouldn't want to
// considering the data members are float, and can cause floating point error
// Because of this I am getting the distance to the location, and using
// Mathf.Approximately to check if the distance is close to 0f.
if(Mathf.Approximately(car.position.distance(a.position), 0f))
// Your logic here if location is the same...
// so if you are trying to remove say a1
// add this object to a list, to be removed after the loop
// then continue on.
// if you are removing an object, check the list size, then loop through it to remove the objects from your original list...
Пример использования цикла for вместо foreach:
// Make sure to put all your a objects in this list in the inspector
public List<Transform> myABCObjects;
void CheckPositions()
// This for loop, will loop through indices 0 - myABCObjects.count - 1, so your a b c
// objects would be added to this list via the inspector, or through whatver
// code you are using to set them.
for(int i = 0; i < myABCObjects.count; ++i)
// Not to sure if you can do an == on a vector3, but I wouldn't want to
// considering the data members are float, and can cause floating point error
// Because of this I am getting the distance to the location, and using
// Mathf.Approximately to check if the distance is close to 0f.
if(Mathf.Approximately(car.position.distance(myABCObjects[i].position), 0f))
// Your logic here if location is the same...