<form> <select id="car_name">
<option value="car1">Car 1</option>
<option value="car2">Car 2</option>
<option value="car3">Car 3</option> </select> <select id="car_model"> </select> </form> <script type="text/javascript"> // Maps all available car models var modelMap = {
'car1': [
// Each entry contains the model's ID and text/label.
['car1-1', 'Car 1.1'],
['car1-2', 'Car 1.2'],
['car1-3', 'Car 1.3']
'car2': [
['car2-1', 'Car 2.1'],
['car2-3', 'Car 2.2']
'car3': [
['car3-1', 'Car 3.1'],
['car3-2', 'Car 3.2'],
['car3-3', 'Car 3.3'],
['car3-4', 'Car 3.4'],
['car3-5', 'Car 3.5']
] };
// Get the dropdown list elements.
var nameList = document.getElementById('car_name');
var modelList = document.getElementById('car_model');
// Function to be called when the car name is changed
nameList.onchange = function() {
// Get the selected car.
var selectedName = nameList.options[nameList.options.selectedIndex].value;
// Lookup available models in the map.
var availModels = modelMap[selectedName] || [];
var i, opt;
// Set available models in the model dropdown.
for (i = 0; i < availModels.length; ++i) {
opt = availModels[i];
modelList.options[i] = new Option(opt[0], opt[1]);
// Remove all old options if the new car has fewer models than a previous selection.
for (; i < modelList.options.length; ++i) {
modelList.options[i] = null;
} }; </script>
Это правильно, но свойство длины "modelList" необходимо сбросить на ноль. Так вот так.
for (; i < modelList.options.length; ++i) {
modelList.options[i] = null;
modelList.length = 0;
} }; </script>