Не могли бы вы попробовать следующее.
awk '
VAL=af OFS ac OFS eas OFS amr OFS afr OFS eur OFS sas
split(VAL,array,"[= ]")
print array[1],array[4],array[6],array[8],array[10],array[12] ORS array[2],array[5],array[7],array[9],array[11],array[13]
}' Input_file | column -t
Объяснение: Добавление пояснения к приведенному выше коду тоже здесь.
awk '
match($0,/AF[^;]*/) ##Using match out of the box awk function for matching AF string till semi colon.
af=substr($0,RSTART,RLENGTH) ##creating variable named af whose value is substring of indexes of RSTART to till value of RLENGTH.
match($0,/EAS_AF[^;]*/) ##Using match out of the box awk function for matching EAS_AF string till semi colon.
eas=substr($0,RSTART,RLENGTH) ##creating variable named eas whose value is substring of indexes of RSTART to till value of RLENGTH.
match($0,/AMR_AF[^;]*/) ##Using match out of the box awk function for matching AMR_AF string till semi colon.
amr=substr($0,RSTART,RLENGTH) ##creating variable named amr whose value is substring of indexes of RSTART to till value of RLENGTH.
match($0,/AFR_AF[^;]*/) ##Using match out of the box awk function for matching AFR_AF string till semi colon.
afr=substr($0,RSTART,RLENGTH) ##creating variable named afr whose value is substring of indexes of RSTART to till value of RLENGTH.
match($0,/EUR_AF[^;]*/) ##Using match out of the box awk function for matching EUR_AF string till semi colon.
eur=substr($0,RSTART,RLENGTH) ##creating variable named eur whose value is substring of indexes of RSTART to till value of RLENGTH.
match($0,/SAS_AF[^;]*/) ##Using match out of the box awk function for matching SAS_AF string till semi colon.
sas=substr($0,RSTART,RLENGTH) ##creating variable named sas whose value is substring of indexes of RSTART to till value of RLENGTH.
VAL=af OFS ac OFS eas OFS amr OFS afr OFS eur OFS sas ##Creating variable VAL whose value is values of all above mentioned variables.
split(VAL,array,"[= ]") ##Using split function of awk to split it into array named array with delimiter space OR =.
print array[1],array[4],array[6],array[8],array[10],array[12] ORS array[2],array[5],array[7],array[9],array[11],array[13] ##Printing all array values as per OP.
af=ac=eas=amr=afr=eur=sas="" ##Nullifying all variables mentioned above.
}' Input_file | column -t ##Mentioning Input_file name here and passing awk output to column command to take output in TAB format.