Проблемы статической переменной PHP - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 02 мая 2018

Хорошо, вот функция, над которой я работаю. Теперь учтите, что я новичок в программировании, и в этом, вероятно, больше неправильного, чем то, что я спрашиваю. Как установить переменную:

${"MySQL_Connection_" . $MySQL_Connection}

И используйте его, когда я вызываю функцию с разными «режимами». Я пробовал использовать:


Но из того, что вы все говорите. Я был сильно дезинформирован о том, как его использовать. Вот мой пример из "Реальной жизни":














function DB_Core_ ($DB_Core_Command = "Empty", // Default if not set
                  $DB_Core_Command_Variable_1 = "Empty", // Default if not set
                  $DB_Core_Command_Variable_2 = "Empty", // Default if not set
                  $DB_Core_Command_Variable_3 = "Empty", // Default if not set
                  $DB_Core_Command_Variable_4 = "Empty"  // Default if not set

    // Variables
    $MySQL_Connection_Prefix = "MySQL_Connection_";

    // ********************
    // Set Function Mode(s)
    // ********************
    switch ($DB_Core_Command) {
        // ****************************************
        // Function to end connection to a database
        // ****************************************
        case "DB_Close":

            $MySQL_Connection = $DB_Core_Command_Variable_1;

            mysqli_close(${"MySQL_Connection_" . $MySQL_Connection});

            break; // END Function (DB_Close)

        // *****************************************************
        // Function to check the connection status of a database
        // *****************************************************
        case "DB_Connection_Status":

            $MySQL_Connection = $DB_Core_Command_Variable_1;

            if (!${"MySQL_Connection_" . $MySQL_Connection}) {
                    $DB_Connection_Status_Short = 0;
                    $DB_Connection_Status_Long = "Connection failed: " . mysqli_connect_error();
            } else { 
                    $DB_Connection_Status_Short = 1;
                    $DB_Connection_Status_Long =  "Connected successfully";
            break; // END Function (DB_Connection_Status)

        // ************************************
        // Function to Print MySQL Status Short
        // ************************************
        case "DB_Connection_Status_Report_Short":
            echo $DB_Connection_Status_Short;
            break; // END Function (MySQL_Connection_Status_Report_Short)

        // ***********************************
        // Function to Print MySQL Status Long
        // ***********************************
        case "DB_Connection_Status_Report_Long":
            echo $DB_Connection_Status_Long;
            break; // END Function (MySQL_Connection_Status_Report_Long)

        // ****************************************
        // Function to create a general MySQL Query
        // ****************************************
        case "MySQL_Query":

            $MySQL_Query = $DB_Core_Command_Variable_1;

            $MySQL_Commands = $MySQL_Query;
            break; // END Function (MySQL_Query)

        // *************************************
        // Function to Verify MySQL_Query_Status
        // *************************************
        case "MySQL_Query_Status":

            $MySQL_Connection = $DB_Core_Command_Variable_1;
            if ($DB_Core_Command_Variable_2 = "Empty"){
                $MySQL_Query_Success_Message = "MySQL Query Success..."; // Default if not set
            } else {
                $MySQL_Query_Success_Message = $DB_Core_Command_Variable_2;
            if ($DB_Core_Command_Variable_3 = "Empty"){
                $MySQL_Query_Failure_Message = "MySQL Query Failure: ";  // Default if not set
            } else {
                $MySQL_Query_Failure_Message = $DB_Core_Command_Variable_3;

            if (mysqli_query(${"MySQL_Connection_" . $MySQL_Connection}, $MySQL_Commands)) 
                     $MySQL_Query_Status_Short = 1;
                     $MySQL_Query_Status_Long = $MySQL_Query_Success_Message;
                     $MySQL_Query_Status_Short = 0;
                     $MySQL_Query_Status_Long = $MySQL_Query_Failure_Message . ": " . $MySQL_Commands . "<br>" . mysqli_error(${"MySQL_Connection_" . $MySQL_Connection});
            break; // END Function (MySQL_Query_Status)

        // ******************************************
        // Function to Print MySQL Query Status Short
        // ******************************************       
        case "MySQL_Query_Status_Report_Short":
            echo $MySQL_Query_Status_Short;
            break; // END Function (MySQL_Query_Status_Report_Short)

        // *****************************************
        // Function to Print MySQL Query Status Long
        // ******************************************   
        case "MySQL_Query_Status_Report_Long":
            echo $MySQL_Query_Status_Long;
            break; // END Function (MySQL_Query_Status_Report_Long)

        // *********************************
        // Function to connect to MySQL
        // *********************************
        case "MySQL_Connect":

            $MySQL_Connection = $DB_Core_Command_Variable_1;
            $Database_Server_Name = $DB_Core_Command_Variable_2;
            $Database_Server_Username = $DB_Core_Command_Variable_3;
            $Database_Server_Username_Password = $DB_Core_Command_Variable_4;                   

            ${"MySQL_Connection_" . $MySQL_Connection} = new mysqli(
            break; // END Function (DB_Connect)

        // ***************************
        // If No Selection is Declared
        // ***************************

    } // END Set Function Mode(s)   

} // END - FUNCTION - < $DB_ >


1 Ответ

0 голосов
/ 10 мая 2018

Странно, мне постоянно приходится отвечать на свои вопросы на этом сайте, что лишает смысла даже иметь этот сайт, но я понял, как создавать и использовать классы, которые имеют больше смысла. Хотелось бы, чтобы кто-то сказал, чтобы узнать о классах, и дал бы пример класса для этого. Но опять же, я понял это самостоятельно. Еще раз спасибо за вашу помощь. Отличный сайт. Здесь все такие милые и отзывчивые. Почти как вечеринка в IRS.

class DB {


// Layout

// $DB1 -> Set_Connection_Pass_Info ("default");
// $DB1 -> Set_Connection_Fail_Info ("default");
// $DB1 -> Connection_Report_Short ();
// $DB1 -> Connection_Report_Long ();
// $DB1 -> Set_Query_Pass_Info ("default");
// $DB1 -> Set_Query_Fail_Info ("default");
// $DB1 -> Query_Report_Short ();
// $DB1 -> Query_Report_Long ();

include "class.php";

$DB1 = new DB;

//  Connection Name - Server Name - User Name - User Password - Database Name: "null" if no Database
$DB1 -> Connect("Connection_1","localhost","root","UserMain1324!","Database_Test_1");

$Connection_1 -> Query (


$DB1 -> Close ("Connection_1");

// ****************************************
//          Static Public Variables
// **************************************** 
    static public $MySQL_Connection_ = array();
    //DB::$MySQL_Connection_[$MySQL_Connection] =

    static public $MySQL_Connection_Success_Message = "Connected Successfully or Still Connected";
    //DB::$MySQL_Connection_Success_Message = 

    static public $MySQL_Connection_Failure_Message = "Connection Failed";
    //DB::$MySQL_Connection_Failure_Message = 

    static public $MySQL_Connection_Status_Short = 0;
    //DB::$MySQL_Connection_Status_Short = 

    static public $MySQL_Connection_Status_Long = "!!! MySQL: NOT CONNECTED !!!";
    //DB::$MySQL_Connection_Status_Long =

    static public $MySQL_Commands = "null";
    //DB::$MySQL_Commands = 

    static public $MySQL_Query_Success_Message = "MySQL Query Success";
    //DB::$MySQL_Query_Success_Message = 

    static public $MySQL_Query_Failure_Message = "MySQL Query Failure";
    //DB::$MySQL_Query_Failure_Message = 

    static public $MySQL_Query_Status_Short = 0;
    //DB::$MySQL_Query_Status_Short = 

    static public $MySQL_Query_Status_Long = "!!! CANT QUERY: QUERY EMPTY or NOT CONNECTED !!!";
    //DB::$MySQL_Query_Status_Long = 

// ****************************************
// Function to end connection to a database
// ****************************************
    function Close (
        DB::$MySQL_Connection_[$MySQL_Connection] = null;

        // Set
        DB::$MySQL_Connection_Status_Short = 0;
        DB::$MySQL_Connection_Status_Long = "Was Connected: NOW DISCONNECTED !!!";
    } // END Function (MySQL_Close)

// *****************************************************
// Function to set the $MySQL_Connection_Success_Message
// *****************************************************
function Set_Connection_Pass_Info ($Input_Variable){

    switch ($Input_Variable) {
        case "default":
            DB::$MySQL_Connection_Success_Message = "Connected Successfully";
            DB::$MySQL_Connection_Success_Message = $Input_Variable;

} // END function Set_MySQL_Connection_Success_Message

// *****************************************************
// Function to set the $MySQL_Connection_Failure_Message
// *****************************************************
function Set_Connection_Fail_Info ($Input_Variable){

    switch ($Input_Variable) {
        case "default":
            DB::$MySQL_Connection_Failure_Message = "Connection Failed";
            DB::$MySQL_Connection_Failure_Message = $Input_Variable;

} // END function $MySQL_Connection_Failure_Message

// ************************************
// Function to Print MySQL Status Short
// ************************************
    function Connection_Report_Short ()
        echo DB::$MySQL_Connection_Status_Short . "<br> <br>";
    } // END Function (MySQL_Connection_Status_Report_Short)

// ***********************************
// Function to Print MySQL Status Long
// ***********************************
    function Connection_Report_Long ()
        echo DB::$MySQL_Connection_Status_Long . "<br> <br>";
    } // END Function (MySQL_Connection_Status_Report_Long)

// ****************************************
// Function to create a general MySQL Query
// ****************************************
    function Query (
        // MySQL Query
        // Create MySQL Query
        // DB::$MySQL_Commands = $MySQL_Query;

        // Create MySQL Query
        try {
            // Prepare statement
            DB::$MySQL_Commands = DB::$MySQL_Connection_[$MySQL_Connection]->prepare($MySQL_Query);

            // execute the query

            // Set 
            DB::$MySQL_Query_Status_Short = 1;
            DB::$MySQL_Query_Status_Long = DB::$MySQL_Query_Success_Message;

            // echo a message to say the UPDATE succeeded
            // echo DB::$MySQL_Commands->rowCount() . " records UPDATED successfully";

        // MySQL Query Error Handling
        catch (PDOException $PDOException_Error)
            // Set
            DB::$MySQL_Query_Status_Short = 0;
            DB::$MySQL_Query_Status_Long = DB::$MySQL_Query_Failure_Message . ": " . $MySQL_Query . "<br>" . $PDOException_Error->getMessage();

    } // END Function (MySQL_Query)

// *************************************************
// Function to set the $MySQL_Query_Success_Message;
// *************************************************
function Set_Query_Pass_Info ($Input_Variable){

    switch ($Input_Variable) {
        case "default":
            DB::$MySQL_Query_Success_Message = "MySQL Query Success";
            DB::$MySQL_Query_Success_Message = $Input_Variable;

} // END function Set_MySQL_Connection_Success_Message

// *************************************************
// Function to set the $MySQL_Query_Failure_Message;
// *************************************************
function Set_Query_Fail_Info ($Input_Variable){

    switch ($Input_Variable) {
        case "default":
            DB::$MySQL_Query_Failure_Message = "MySQL Query Failure";
            DB::$MySQL_Query_Failure_Message = $Input_Variable;

} // END function $MySQL_Connection_Failure_Message

// ******************************************
// Function to Print MySQL Query Status Short
// ******************************************
    function Query_Report_Short ()
        echo DB::$MySQL_Query_Status_Short . "<br> <br>";
    } // END Function (MySQL_Query_Status_Report_Long)

// *****************************************
// Function to Print MySQL Query Status Long
// *****************************************
    function Query_Report_Long ()
        echo DB::$MySQL_Query_Status_Long . "<br> <br>";
    } // END Function (MySQL_Query_Status_Report_Long)

// Main function //

// ****************************
// Function to connect to MySQL
// ****************************
    function Connect(
        $Database_Name // Set to "null" if not connecting to a database
        // Create Connection
        try {
            // Add database portion of cononect statement if connecting to a database
            if($Database_Name = "null"){
                $Database_Connection_Addon = "";
            } else {
                $Database_Connection_Addon = ";dbname=$Database_Name";

            // Create Connection
            DB::$MySQL_Connection_[$MySQL_Connection] = new PDO("mysql:host=$Database_Server_Name" . "$Database_Connection_Addon", $Database_Server_Username, $Database_Server_Username_Password);

            // Connection Attributes
            DB::$MySQL_Connection_[$MySQL_Connection]->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);

            // Set
            DB::$MySQL_Connection_Status_Short = 1;
            DB::$MySQL_Connection_Status_Long =  DB::$MySQL_Connection_Success_Message;


        // Connection Error Handling
        catch (PDOException $PDOException_Error)
            // Set
            DB::$MySQL_Connection_Status_Short = 0;
            DB::$MySQL_Connection_Status_Long = DB::$MySQL_Connection_Failure_Message . ": " . $PDOException_Error->getMessage();

    } // END Function (MySQL_Connect)   

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