Я занимаюсь разработкой приложения для Android, в котором я сохранил отклик на модификацию базы данных области, когда я тестирую в автономном режиме, не получается, как правильно реализовать шаг за шагом, чтобы мое приложение могло работать в автономном режиме.
Ниже приведен мой ВведениеItem.java, где я сохранил ответ на Retrofit для
public class IntroductionItem extends AppCompatActivity {
public RealmList<Introduction> introductionList;
public IntroductionAdapter adapter;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
KitabInterface kitabInterface = ApiClient.getApiService();
Call<KitabSawti> call = kitabInterface.getIntroduction();
call.enqueue(new Callback<KitabSawti>() {
public void onResponse(Call<KitabSawti> call, Response<KitabSawti> response) {
introductionList = response.body().getIntroduction();
RealmConfiguration config = new RealmConfiguration.Builder()
// add response to realm database
Realm realm = Realm.getInstance(config);
// programmatically check : data is inserted in to realm or not
int notesCount = realm.where(KitabSawti.class).findAll().size();
int notesCount2 = realm.where(Introduction.class).findAll().size();
Log.d("my first", String.valueOf(notesCount));
Log.d("my second", String.valueOf(notesCount2));
RecyclerView recyclerView = findViewById(R.id.recyclerView);
recyclerView.setLayoutManager(new LinearLayoutManager(getApplicationContext()));
adapter = new IntroductionAdapter(IntroductionItem.this, introductionList); // changes
public void onFailure(Call<KitabSawti> call, Throwable t) {
под классом KitabSawti.java pojo:
public class KitabSawti extends RealmObject {
private RealmList<Introduction> introduction = null;
private RealmList<Education> education = null;
private RealmList<Work> work = null;
private RealmList<Skill> skills = null;
private RealmList<Contact> contact = null;
public RealmList<Introduction> getIntroduction() {
return introduction;
public void setIntroduction(RealmList<Introduction> introduction) {
this.introduction = introduction;
public RealmList<Education> getEducation() {
return education;
public void setEducation(RealmList<Education> education) {
this.education = education;
public RealmList<Work> getWork() {
return (RealmList<Work>) work;
public void setWork(RealmList<Work> work) {
this.work = work;
public RealmList<Skill> getSkills() {
return (RealmList<Skill>) skills;
public void setSkills(RealmList<Skill> skills) {
this.skills = skills;
public RealmList<Contact> getContact() {
return (RealmList<Contact>) contact;
public void setContact(RealmList<Contact> contact) {
this.contact = contact;
below Introduction.java class
public class Introduction extends RealmObject {
private String image;
private String introduction;
public String getImage() {
return image;
public void setImage(String image) {
this.image = image;
public String getIntroduction() {
return introduction;
public void setIntroduction(String introduction) {
this.introduction = introduction;