Я хочу установить команду пароля шифрования db2, когда весенняя загрузка запускает соединение с моим db2. В основном некоторые столбцы в моей таблице зашифрованы. Я пытался использовать hibernate mapper @ColumnTransformer (read = "decrypt_char (COLUMN_NAME, 'password')", write = "encrypt (?, 'Password')").
That does not work. After some look around I found that I have to set the encryption password with the following command when the database connection is established from spring boot application properties file.
SET ENCRYPTION PASSWORD ='password'(This is DB2 specific)
I dont see any way of setting this in spring boot. I believe there must be a property defined in application.properties which would set this. Currently I am just passing db2 connection as per following
Any help is appreciated.