Tag: p Value: PublishOne Content Structure
Tag: h1 Value: User Interface Naming Convention
Tag: list Value: no value - Has 1 attributes
Tag: li Value: no value - Has 0 attributes
Tag: p Value: no value - Has 1 attributes
Tag: h1 Value: Content in PublishOne
Tag: p Value: PublishOne is designed to create, manage, and publish content. The main types by which the content in PublishOne is organized are:
Tag: list Value: Document – the element that contains the actual content text and its style taggingAsset – the element that contains and manages images, videos, and other graphical contentLinks (or Content Links) – the element that manages the inclusion of other elementsFolder (or Project) – the element used to organize the content
Tag: li Value: Document – the element that contains the actual content text and its style tagging
Tag: p Value: Document – the element that contains the actual content text and its style tagging
Tag: li Value: Asset – the element that contains and manages images, videos, and other graphical content
Tag: p Value: Asset – the element that contains and manages images, videos, and other graphical content
Tag: li Value: Links (or Content Links) – the element that manages the inclusion of other elements
Tag: p Value: Links (or Content Links) – the element that manages the inclusion of other elements
Tag: li Value: Folder (or Project) – the element used to organize the content
Tag: p Value: Folder (or Project) – the element used to organize the content
Tag: p Value: These are generally referred to as ‘Items’, with the Document, Asset, Link, and Project Folder being the four available ‘Item Types’.
Tag: p Value: Each Item has three sets of data stored:
Tag: list Value: Content – for example the text for a Document or images for an AssetMetadata – the standard metadata like Document Title plus the metadata as configured by your own organisationUsers – the users assigned to the content element
Tag: li Value: Content – for example the text for a Document or images for an Asset
Tag: p Value: Content – for example the text for a Document or images for an Asset
Tag: li Value: Metadata – the standard metadata like Document Title plus the metadata as configured by your own organisation
Tag: p Value: Metadata – the standard metadata like Document Title plus the metadata as configured by your own organisation
Tag: li Value: Users – the users assigned to the content element
Tag: p Value: Users – the users assigned to the content element
Tag: p Value: no value - Has 0 attributes
Tag: h1 Value: The Project Folder Structure
Tag: p Value: Items in PublishOne are organised in a fixed tree structure. At top level, you will have a number of Project Folders. Each of these Folders can contain a set of Project sub-Folders (or sub-Projects), Documents, Links, and Assets. This structure determines how content is handled during publication. The figure bellows shows an example of such a structure.
Tag: p Value: no value - Has 0 attributes
Tag: img Value: no value - Has 1 attributes
Tag: list Value: Project FolderContent LinkDocumentAssetProject sub-Folder
Tag: li Value: Project Folder
Tag: p Value: Project Folder
Tag: li Value: Content Link
Tag: p Value: Content Link
Tag: li Value: Document
Tag: p Value: Document
Tag: li Value: Asset
Tag: p Value: Asset
Tag: li Value: Project sub-Folder
Tag: p Value: Project sub-Folder
Tag: h1 Value: The Document Type
Tag: p Value: PublishOne can be configured to manage the content in line with a desired process. In order to allow clients to manage various content sets with varying processes, content elements have an associated Document Type.
Tag: p Value: The Document Type determines:
Tag: list Value: The workflow process by which the Documents are managed, including more complex functionsThe styling and other content specificsThe make-up of the PublishOne RibbonThe client specific metadata for each of the four content elements (Document, Asset, Link, Folder)
Tag: li Value: The workflow process by which the Documents are managed, including more complex functions
Tag: p Value: The workflow process by which the Documents are managed, including more complex functions
Tag: li Value: The styling and other content specifics
Tag: p Value: The styling and other content specifics
Tag: li Value: The make-up of the PublishOne Ribbon
Tag: p Value: The make-up of the PublishOne Ribbon
Tag: li Value: The client specific metadata for each of the four content elements (Document, Asset, Link, Folder)
Tag: p Value: The client specific metadata for each of the four content elements (Document, Asset, Link, Folder)
Tag: h2 Value: Document Type Information
Tag: p Value: The Document Type has the following attributes:
Tag: list Value: The Name as used in the user interfaceThe Icon as used in the user interfaceThe MS Word template used for editing in MS Word (through Document Template)The initial content used for creating new documents (through Document Template)
Tag: li Value: The Name as used in the user interface
Tag: p Value: The Name as used in the user interface
Tag: li Value: The Icon as used in the user interface
Tag: p Value: The Icon as used in the user interface
Tag: li Value: The MS Word template used for editing in MS Word (through Document Template)
Tag: p Value: The MS Word template used for editing in MS Word (through Document Template)
Tag: li Value: The initial content used for creating new documents (through Document Template)
Tag: p Value: The initial content used for creating new documents (through Document Template)
Tag: p Value: no value - Has 0 attributes
Tag: img Value: no value - Has 1 attributes
Tag: list Value: The Document Type Name as visible on a Document cardThe Document Type Icon as visible on a Document card
Tag: li Value: The Document Type Name as visible on a Document card
Tag: p Value: The Document Type Name as visible on a Document card
Tag: li Value: The Document Type Icon as visible on a Document card
Tag: p Value: The Document Type Icon as visible on a Document card
Tag: h2 Value: The Document Type Workflow
Tag: p Value: A workflow in PublishOne exists of Workflow States and Workflow Transitions between these States. The Workflow controls the Documents in PublishOne. For each of the States, you can determine which Roles are allowed to edit the Document Content in the State. A Workflow State has the following attributes:
Tag: list Value: The Name as used in the user interfaceThe Order By number determining the natural order of the StatesReady for Production mark, indicating that Documents in this State can be publishedThe State Colour as used in the user interfaceEdit Roles, the list of Roles that are allowed to edit the Document in this State
Tag: li Value: The Name as used in the user interface
Tag: p Value: The Name as used in the user interface
Tag: li Value: The Order By number determining the natural order of the States
Tag: p Value: The Order By number determining the natural order of the States
Tag: li Value: Ready for Production mark, indicating that Documents in this State can be published
Tag: p Value: Ready for Production mark, indicating that Documents in this State can be published
Tag: li Value: The State Colour as used in the user interface
Tag: p Value: The State Colour as used in the user interface
Tag: li Value: Edit Roles, the list of Roles that are allowed to edit the Document in this State
Tag: p Value: Edit Roles, the list of Roles that are allowed to edit the Document in this State
Tag: p Value: no value - Has 0 attributes
Tag: img Value: no value - Has 1 attributes
Tag: list Value: The State Colour as visible on a Document cardThe State Name as visible on a Document cardThe User in their Roles has edit rightsThe User in their Roles does not have edit rights
Tag: li Value: The State Colour as visible on a Document card
Tag: p Value: The State Colour as visible on a Document card
Tag: li Value: The State Name as visible on a Document card
Tag: p Value: The State Name as visible on a Document card
Tag: li Value: The User in their Roles has edit rights
Tag: p Value: The User in their Roles has edit rights
Tag: li Value: The User in their Roles does not have edit rights
Tag: p Value: The User in their Roles does not have edit rights
Tag: p Value: Workflow Transitions have the following attributes:
Tag: list Value: The From State, start point of the TransitionThe To State, end point of the TransitionThe user Role that can initiate the TransitionThe Mail Template, to auto-generate mails to be issued to users that have a Role that can edit in the To StateThe Order By number, for ordering in the user interfaceSave Version mark (Backup document?) to have a versions stored during the TransitionNeeds Validation mark, to auto-trigger validation and block Documents that do not validate from moving to the To State
Tag: li Value: The From State, start point of the Transition
Tag: p Value: The From State, start point of the Transition
Tag: li Value: The To State, end point of the Transition
Tag: p Value: The To State, end point of the Transition
Tag: li Value: The user Role that can initiate the Transition
Tag: p Value: The user Role that can initiate the Transition
Tag: li Value: The Mail Template, to auto-generate mails to be issued to users that have a Role that can edit in the To State
Tag: p Value: The Mail Template, to auto-generate mails to be issued to users that have a Role that can edit in the To State
Tag: li Value: The Order By number, for ordering in the user interface
Tag: p Value: The Order By number, for ordering in the user interface
Tag: li Value: Save Version mark (Backup document?) to have a versions stored during the Transition
Tag: p Value: Save Version mark (Backup document?) to have a versions stored during the Transition
Tag: li Value: Needs Validation mark, to auto-trigger validation and block Documents that do not validate from moving to the To State
Tag: p Value: Needs Validation mark, to auto-trigger validation and block Documents that do not validate from moving to the To State
Tag: p Value: The figure below represents a sample workflow as you could configure in PublishOne.
Tag: p Value: no value - Has 0 attributes
Tag: img Value: no value - Has 1 attributes
Tag: list Value: Edit rights, in this example the ‘Author’ can edit in the ‘Create’ State, the ‘Editor’ and ‘Publisher’ cannotThe Role ‘Author’ can hand in work from Workflow State ‘Create’ to ‘Edit’The Role ‘Editor’ can request changes by moving back from ‘Edit’ to ‘Create’The ‘Publish’ state is configured to allow publication (Ready for Production)
Tag: li Value: Edit rights, in this example the ‘Author’ can edit in the ‘Create’ State, the ‘Editor’ and ‘Publisher’ cannot
Tag: p Value: Edit rights, in this example the ‘Author’ can edit in the ‘Create’ State, the ‘Editor’ and ‘Publisher’ cannot
Tag: li Value: The Role ‘Author’ can hand in work from Workflow State ‘Create’ to ‘Edit’
Tag: p Value: The Role ‘Author’ can hand in work from Workflow State ‘Create’ to ‘Edit’
Tag: li Value: The Role ‘Editor’ can request changes by moving back from ‘Edit’ to ‘Create’
Tag: p Value: The Role ‘Editor’ can request changes by moving back from ‘Edit’ to ‘Create’
Tag: li Value: The ‘Publish’ state is configured to allow publication (Ready for Production)
Tag: p Value: The ‘Publish’ state is configured to allow publication (Ready for Production)
Tag: h2 Value: The Document Type Metadata
Tag: p Value: For a Document Type, you can configure the Metadata for each of the four Item Types. In the below figure you see an example of Metadata sets for the Item Type Document and Project Folder within the same Document Type.
Tag: p Value: no value - Has 0 attributes
Tag: img Value: no value - Has 1 attributes
Tag: list Value: The Metadata configured for the Project Folders of a Document TypeThe Metadata configured for the Documents of the same Document Type
Tag: li Value: The Metadata configured for the Project Folders of a Document Type
Tag: p Value: The Metadata configured for the Project Folders of a Document Type
Tag: li Value: The Metadata configured for the Documents of the same Document Type
Tag: p Value: The Metadata configured for the Documents of the same Document Type
Tag: h2 Value: Users, Roles and Groups
Tag: p Value: Users in PublishOne are represented by a name and an email address. A user can have multiple roles, although generally it is better to limit the amount of roles a user has, ideally just one.
Tag: p Value: no value - Has 0 attributes
Tag: p Value: Users are connected to the content through Assignments. As an example, a user with the role Author can be assigned to a Item in the role Author, which means that on that Item the user has the rights associated with the role Author. The following figure shows this example.
Tag: span Value: Author
Tag: span Value: Author
Tag: p Value: no value - Has 0 attributes
Tag: img Value: no value - Has 1 attributes
Tag: list Value: The tab Users is selectedFor the document PublishOne Content StructureThe Author assignmentThe Reader role is handed to a Group, to provide its members with read-only access
Tag: li Value: The tab Users is selected
Tag: p Value: The tab Users is selected
Tag: span Value: Users
Tag: li Value: For the document PublishOne Content Structure
Tag: p Value: For the document PublishOne Content Structure
Tag: span Value: PublishOne Content Structure
Tag: li Value: The Author assignment
Tag: p Value: The Author assignment
Tag: span Value: Author
Tag: li Value: The Reader role is handed to a Group, to provide its members with read-only access
Tag: p Value: The Reader role is handed to a Group, to provide its members with read-only access
Tag: span Value: Reader