У меня есть эти объекты:
@Table(name = "products")
public class Product extends AuditModel {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -7412065294436325640L;
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long productId;
@Size(max = 250)
private String name;
private String price;
@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, optional = false)
@JoinColumn(name = "categoryId", referencedColumnName = "supermarketId", insertable = false, updatable = false)
private Category category;
@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, optional = false)
@JoinColumn(name = "supermarketId", referencedColumnName = "supermarketId", insertable = false, updatable = false)
private Supermarket supermarket;
@Size(max = 250)
private String about;
// Getters and Setters
@Table(name = "category")
public class Category extends AuditModel {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 3730363675931805709L;
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long categoryId;
@Size(max = 250)
private String name;
// Getters and Setters
@Table(name = "supermarket")
public class Supermarket extends AuditModel {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -1693473118599875940L;
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long supermarketId;
@Size(max = 250)
private String name;
// Getters and Setters
И я не знаю, с моим Контроллером все в порядке или нет, и в функции Создать, как можно настроить супермаркет, связанный с моим продуктом? Это мой контроллер:
public class ProductController {
ProductRepository productRepository;
CategoryRepository categoryRepository;
SupermarketRepository supermarketRepository;
public Page<Product> getAllProducts(Pageable pageable) {
return productRepository.findAll(pageable);
public Product createProduct(@PathVariable (value = "categoryId") Long categoryId,
@PathVariable (value = "supermarketId") Long supermarketId, @Valid @RequestBody Product product) {
return categoryRepository.findById(categoryId).map(category -> {
// SUPERMARKET SET ??? <<------
return productRepository.save(product);
}).orElseThrow(() -> new ResourceNotFoundException("Category id: " + categoryId + " not found"));
public Product getProductById(@PathVariable Long productId, @Valid @RequestBody Product productRequest) {
return productRepository.findById(productId)
.orElseThrow(() -> new ResourceNotFoundException("Product id: " + productId + " not found"));
public Product updateProduct(@PathVariable (value = "categoryId") Long categoryId,
@PathVariable (value = "supermarketId") Long supermarketId,
@PathVariable (value = "productId") Long productId, @Valid @RequestBody Product productRequest) {
if(!categoryRepository.existsById(categoryId)) {
throw new ResourceNotFoundException("Category id " + categoryId + " not found");
if(!supermarketRepository.existsById(supermarketId)) {
throw new ResourceNotFoundException("Supermarket id " + supermarketId + " not found");
return productRepository.findById(productId).map(product -> {
.orElseThrow(() -> new ResourceNotFoundException("Category id: " + categoryId + " not found")));
.orElseThrow(() -> new ResourceNotFoundException("Supermarket id: " + supermarketId + " not found")));
return productRepository.save(product);
}).orElseThrow(() -> new ResourceNotFoundException("Product id: " + productId + "not found"));
public ResponseEntity<?> deleteProduct(@PathVariable (value = "categoryId") Long categoryId,
@PathVariable (value = "supermarketId") Long supermarketId, @PathVariable (value = "productId") Long productId) {
if(!categoryRepository.existsById(categoryId)) {
throw new ResourceNotFoundException("Category id " + categoryId + " not found");
if(!supermarketRepository.existsById(supermarketId)) {
throw new ResourceNotFoundException("Supermarket id " + supermarketId + " not found");
return productRepository.findById(productId).map(product -> {
return ResponseEntity.ok().build();
}).orElseThrow(() -> new ResourceNotFoundException("Product id: " + productId + " not found"));
Это мой репозиторий для продуктов:
public interface ProductRepository extends JpaRepository<Product, Long> {
Page<Product> findByCategoryId(Long categoryId, Pageable pageable);
Page<Product> findBySupermarketIdd(Long supermarketId, Pageable pageable);
Не могли бы вы сказать мне, если мой контроллер в порядке, и как можно завершить функцию создания? Заранее спасибо!