Используя ответ Артема в качестве вдохновения, я написал модульный тест, чтобы ограничить эти неявные преобразования типов несколькими сценариями, с которыми у нас все в порядке.
Подход заключается в том, чтобы найти все сопоставления свойств, которые не имеют явного сопоставления, и отфильтровать несколько сценариев, которые мы хотим разрешить.
тест XUnit:
public void AllMappedPropertiesAreSameTypeOrAreMappedExplicitly()
ServiceCollection theCollection = new ServiceCollection();
IMapper theMapper = BuildProductionMapper();
//Store all explicit mappings for easy lookup
System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<(Type SourceType, Type DestType)> theExplicitMappings =
.Select( map => (map.SourceType, map.DestinationType) )
var theIllegalMaps =
from typeMap in theMapper.ConfigurationProvider.GetAllTypeMaps()
from propMap in typeMap.PropertyMaps
let sourceType = propMap.SourceType
let destType = propMap.DestinationType
let bothTypes = new[] { sourceType, destType }
where sourceType != null && destType != null
where sourceType != destType
//Anything that's explicitly mapped is permitted
where !theExplicitMappings.Contains( (sourceType, destType) )
//enums to string and vice versa is permitted
where !( sourceType.IsEnum || sourceType == typeof( string ) && destType.IsEnum || destType == typeof( string ) )
//mapping from one collection to another is okay
where !bothTypes.All( type => type.IsAssignableTo( typeof( IEnumerable ) ) )
select new
SourceType = typeMap.SourceType,
DestinationType = typeMap.DestinationType,
SourceMemberName = propMap.SourceMember.Name,
DestMemberName = propMap.DestinationMember.Name,
SourceMemberType = sourceType,
DestinationMemberType = destType
var illegalMapsList = theIllegalMaps.ToList();
foreach( var illegalMap in illegalMapsList )
Console.Out.WriteLine( $"Found disallowed property mapping from '{illegalMap.SourceType}.{illegalMap.SourceMemberName}' to '{illegalMap.DestinationType}.{illegalMap.DestMemberName}'" );
Console.Out.WriteLine( $"Property name: {illegalMap.SourceMemberName}" );
Console.Out.WriteLine( $"implicit mapping from {illegalMap.SourceMemberType} to {illegalMap.DestinationMemberType} is not allowed." );
Console.Out.WriteLine( $"Please map these types explicitly." );
if( illegalMapsList.Any() )
throw new Exception( "One or more ambiguous mappings were found that need to be handled explicitly. See console output for details." );