У меня есть ngbAccordion с событием panelChange, которое прекрасно работает. Что мне интересно, есть ли способ в ngOnInit, если я могу программно вызвать этот метод?
<ngb-accordion #regularAccordion="ngbAccordion" *ngFor="let item of cartItems; index as i" activeIds={{activeIds}} (panelChange)="toggleAccordion($event, item)">
(panelChange) метод, который я хочу вызвать:
toggleAccordion(event: any, item: any) {
const accords = this.regularAccordions.toArray();
this.accordionStatus.set(event.panelId, event.nextState);
if (accords.length > 1) {
const lastItem = this.activeIds[0];
if (this.activeIds.length > 0) {
const currentPanel = this.activeIds.includes(event.panelId);
if (currentPanel) {
this.activeIds = [];
} else {
this.activeIds = [];
// when you select a second accordion and set status in map to true for one the other doesn't get set to false.
this.regularAccordions.toArray().forEach(singleAccordion => {
if (singleAccordion.activeIds.length > 0) {
if (lastItem !== event.panelId) {
this.accordionStatus.set(lastItem, false);
this.activeIds = [];
// singleAccordion.activeIds = [];
} else {
singleAccordion.activeIds = this.activeIds;
} else {
this.activeIds = [];
this.activeIds = event.panelId;