Я использовал эту функцию для преобразования кадра изображения в формат NV21 и установки типа изображения в метаданных в FirebaseVisionImage
fun YUV_420_888toNV21(image: ImageProxy): ByteArray {
val width = image.width
val height = image.height
val ySize = width * height
val uvSize = width * height / 4
val nv21 = ByteArray(ySize + uvSize * 2)
val yBuffer = image.planes[0].buffer // Y
val uBuffer = image.planes[1].buffer // U
val vBuffer = image.planes[2].buffer // V
var rowStride = image.planes[0].rowStride
assert(image.planes[0].pixelStride == 1)
var pos = 0
//may need to flip the buffers if you get underflow exception
if (rowStride == width) { // likely
yBuffer.get(nv21, 0, ySize)
pos += ySize
} else {
var yBufferPos = (width - rowStride).toLong() // not an actual position
while (pos < ySize) {
yBufferPos = yBufferPos + (rowStride - width).toLong()
yBuffer.get(nv21, pos, width)
pos += width
rowStride = image.planes[2].rowStride
val pixelStride = image.planes[2].pixelStride
assert(rowStride == image.planes[1].rowStride)
assert(pixelStride == image.planes[1].pixelStride)
if (pixelStride == 2 && rowStride == width && uBuffer.get(0) == vBuffer.get(1)) {
// maybe V an U planes overlap as per NV21, which means vBuffer[1] is alias of uBuffer[0]
val savePixel = vBuffer.get(1)
vBuffer.put(1, 0.toByte())
if (uBuffer.get(0).toInt() == 0) {
vBuffer.put(1, 255.toByte())
if (uBuffer.get(0).toInt() == 255) {
vBuffer.put(1, savePixel)
vBuffer.get(nv21, ySize, uvSize)
return nv21 // shortcut
// unfortunately, the check failed. We must save U and V pixel by pixel
vBuffer.put(1, savePixel)
// other optimizations could check if (pixelStride == 1) or (pixelStride == 2),
// but performance gain would be less significant
for (row in 0 until height / 2) {
for (col in 0 until width / 2) {
val vuPos = col * pixelStride + row * rowStride
nv21[pos++] = vBuffer.get(vuPos)
nv21[pos++] = uBuffer.get(vuPos)
return nv21