ga-> sdfopen
Scanning self-describing file:
SDF file is open as file 1
LON set to 0 360
LAT set to -90 90
LEV set to 1000 1000
Time values set: 2018:8:1:0 2018:8:1:0
E set to 1 1
ga-> q file 1
File 1 : MERRA2 inst6_3d_ana_Np: 3d,6-Hourly,Instantaneous,Pressure-Level,Analysis,Analyzed Meteorological Fields
Type = Gridded
Xsize = 576 Ysize = 361 Zsize = 42 Tsize = 4 Esize = 1
Number of Variables = 4
ps 0 t,y,x Surface pressure
v 42 t,z,y,x Northward wind component
u 42 t,z,y,x Eastward wind component
qv 42 t,z,y,x Specific humidity
ga-> set t 3
Time values set: 2018:8:1:12 2018:8:1:12
ga-> set x 390 460
LON set to 63.125 106.875
ga-> set y 170 270
LAT set to -5.5 44.5
ga-> d ps
Contouring: 55000 to 100000 interval 5000
ga-> t=1
Define memory allocation size = 8 bytes
ga-> while (t<=4)
Unknown command: while
ga-> if (t<=4)
Unknown command: if
Я работаю над экстраполяцией полей анализа MERRA и пока цикл не выполняется, GrADS говорит, что это неизвестная команда, как это исправить?