У меня есть следующая таблица:
<table class="datatable" id="table_cards">
<th><input type="checkbox" name="select_all" value="1" id="example-select-all"> All</th>
<th>ADDITIONAL Note</th>
И следующий jquery для этой таблицы:
var table_cards = $('#table_cards').dataTable({
"ajax": "data.php?job=get_cards",
"columns": [
{ "data": "checkboxes" },
{ "data": "forsale" },
{ "data": "quantity" },
{ "data": "cardname", "sClass": "cardname" },
{ "data": "edition" },
{ "data": "editionicon"},
{ "data": "price", "sClass": "integer"},
{ "data": "cond"},
{ "data": "cardlanguage"},
{ "data": "foil" },
{ "data": "note" },
{ "data": "functions", "sClass": "functions" }
"aoColumnDefs": [
'targets': 0,
'className': 'dt-body-center',
'render': function (data, type, full, meta){
return '<input type="checkbox">';
{ "bSortable": false, "aTargets": [-1] }
"select": {style: "multi"},
"lengthMenu": [[10, 25, 50, 100, -1], [10, 25, 50, 100, "All"]],
"oLanguage": {
"sSearch": "<label id='has-tt-label' for='has-tt' title='Some <b>great</b> input!'>Search: </label>", //search
"oPaginate": {
"sFirst": " ",
"sPrevious": " ",
"sNext": " ",
"sLast": " ",
"sLengthMenu": "Records per page: _MENU_",
"sInfo": "Total of _TOTAL_ records (showing _START_ to _END_)",
"sInfoFiltered": "(filtered from _MAX_ total records)"
} });
И следующие data.php
$query = "SELECT * FROM cards ORDER BY cardname";
$query = mysqli_query($conn, $query);
if (!$query){
$result = 'error';
$message = 'query error';
} else {
$result = 'success';
$message = 'query success';
while ($card = mysqli_fetch_array($query)){
$checkboxes = '<div><ul><input type="checkbox" name="'.$card['id'].'" value="'.$card['id'].'"></ul></div>';
if ($card['forsale'] == "0") {$forsale ='<div style="vertical-align:middle;"><img src="hold.png"></div>'; } else {$forsale = '<img src="sell.png">'; }
// $editionicon = '<img src="images/sets/'.$card['editionc'].'-'.$card['rarity'].'.jpg" title="'; if($card['rarity'] == "C") { $editionicon .= 'COMMON" >'; } elseif ($card['rarity'] == "U") { $editionicon .= 'UNCOMMON" >';} elseif ($card['rarity'] =="R") {$editionicon .= 'RARE" >';}
$editionicon = '<img src="images/sets/'.$card['editionc'].'-'.$card['rarity'].'.jpg">';
if ($card['foil'] == "Foil") {$foil = '<div style="vertical-align:middle;">'.$card['foilq'].' x <img src="foil.png"></div>'; } else {$foil = ''; }
$functions = '<div class="function_buttons"><ul>';
$functions .= '<li class="function_edit"><a data-id="' . $card['id'] . '" data-name="' . $card['cardname'] . '"><span>Edit</span></a></li>';
$functions .= '<li class="function_delete"><a data-id="' . $card['id'] . '" data-name="' . $card['cardname'] . '"><span>Delete</span></a></li>';
$functions .= '</ul></div>';
$mysql_data[] = array(
"checkboxes" => '',
"forsale" => $forsale,
"cardname" => $card['cardname'],
"edition" => $card['edition'],
"rarity" => $card['rarity'],
"editionicon" => $editionicon,
"price" => $card['price'],
"quantity" => $card['quantity'],
"cardlanguage" => $card['cardlanguage'],
"cond" => $card['cond'],
"foil" => $foil,
"foilq" => $card['foilq'],
"note" => $card['note'],
"functions" => $functions
Теперь мне нужна кнопка, которая проверяет все флажки на всех страницах в пределах нумерации страниц.
Может кто-нибудь помочь, пожалуйста? Я прочитал и попытался использовать это: https://www.gyrocode.com/articles/jquery-datatables-how-to-add-a-checkbox-column/
но я не смог отредактировать его, чтобы он работал с моей таблицей.
С наилучшими пожеланиями и заранее спасибо!