Я пытаюсь выяснить, как я могу запустить файл (Main.py), используя мой голос, чтобы сделать это, я должен запустить cvc.py (CozmoVoiceCommander.py), а затем сказать, что COZMO запускает ПОГОДУ и компьютер будет распознавать ПОГОДУ и КОЗМО и инициировать main.py, который будет подключаться к обвинителю. код для одной из голосовых команд - танец, представленный здесь:
def dance(self, robot:cozmo.robot.Robot = None, cmd_args = None):
DEF DANCE вызывает код, который спрашивает, получил ли он голосовую команду, используя код из en_.json (английские голосовые команды), представленного здесь:
"instructions":"You can issue voice commands to Cozmo. You can give multiple commands separating them with the word 'THEN'.\nAvailable Commands are:",
"text_say":"\nSay your commands (Tiemout: 5 seconds - ctrl+c to exit)",
"error_one":"Sorry I didn't understand all of your commands, available commands are:",
"error_all":"Sorry I didn't understand any of your commands, available commands are:",
{"action":"forward", "words":["forward", "forwards"], "usage":"Cozmo drives forward for X seconds."},
{"action":"backward", "words":["backward","backwards"], "usage":"Cozmo drives backwards for X seconds."},
{"action":"right", "words":["right"], "usage":"Cozmo turns right X degrees, or 90 degrees if no argument."},
{"action":"left", "words":["left"], "usage":"Cozmo turns left X degrees, or 90 degrees if no argument."},
{"action":"lift", "words":["lift","arm"], "usage":"Cozmo lifts his lift of X (min:0, max:1 - i.e. 'Cozmo, lift your lift of 0.5')."},
{"action":"head", "words":["head","tilt"], "usage":"Cozmo tilts his head of X (min:0, max:1)."},
{"action":"look", "words":["look","search"], "usage":"Cozmo looks for a face."},
{"action":"follow", "words":["follow","stare"], "usage":"Cozmo follows a face."},
{"action":"picture", "words":["picture","photo"], "usage":"Cozmo takes a picture, then it saves it in the folder where you launched CvC."},
{"action":"say", "words":["say","talk"], "usage":"Cozmo says X (where X is any text)."},
{"action":"blocks", "words":["blocks","cubes","play"], "usage":"Cozmo plays with his blocks."},
{"action":"dance", "words":["dance","jump"], "usage":"Cozmo dances."},
{"action":"charger", "words":["charger","base"], "usage":"Cozmo tries to park on is charger, in 3 tries."}