Моделирование дискретных событий - генерация событий и часов? - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 05 ноября 2018

Я создаю симулятор дискретных событий, использующий методы Java и OO для моделирования некоторых планировщиков.

Я борюсь с генерацией новых событий ProcessArrival. Мой алгоритм выглядит так:

initialize ending condition to false
initialize system variables - create instances, etc.
initialize clock to zero
create and schedule an initial event - a ProcessArrival

while we have not processed n-events
    set clock to next event time (by getting it from the Head of the EventQueue)
    remove an event from EventQueue to process
    if event is an arrival
        create a new process and add it to scheduler's process ready queue

        if scheduler is FCFS
             we know completion time in advance, schedule a CompletionEvent

    before we end the loop, create a new event - an arrival, with an arrival time = systemClock + a random exponential number. 

Это не работает - если я не добавляю systemClock со случайной величиной (которая следует за экспоненциальным распределением), то часы иногда возвращаются назад, потому что время прибытия меньше, чем время часов. Если я добавлю его, все будет происходить последовательно, но у меня никогда не будет времени ожидания - процессы всегда приходят после завершения других процессов.

Я совершенно не понимаю, как это должно работать, и буду признателен за любые разъяснения! Когда я должен генерировать новое событие ProcessArrival, если не в конце цикла? Каким должно быть время начала процесса и как я могу избежать скачков часов назад во времени, если я генерирую события по одному? Было сказано не генерировать все события заранее.

Вот мой класс симулятора полностью:

    public class Simulator {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        if (args.length == 0 || args[0].toLowerCase().equals("help")) {
        } else {
            // initialize ending condition to false
            boolean endingCondition = false;

            // initialize system state variables
            final int algorithmType = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
            final int lambda = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);  // average rate of arrival
            final float avgServiceTime = Float.parseFloat(args[2]);
            final float quantumForRR = Float.parseFloat(args[3]);

            // initialize simulation clock to 0
            Clock simulationClock = new Clock();
System.out.println("System time at start is: " + simulationClock.getSimulationTime());
            // schedule an initial event - create Event and add to EventQueue
            Event initialEvent = new Event(EventType.ProcessArrival,simulationClock.getSimulationTime() + genexp(lambda));
            EventQueue eventQueue = new EventQueue();

            // create the scheduling algorithm and the CPU to handle processes
            SchedulingAlgorithm schedulingAlgorithm = createSchedulingAlgorithm(algorithmType);
            CPU simulationCPU = new CPU();

            int numProcessesHandled = 0;

            // while we have not processed 10,000 Processes to completion,
            // keep going and handle events in the EventQueue as needed
            while (!endingCondition) {
                // 1) Set Clock to EventTime
System.out.println(">>> System time is now at: " + eventQueue.getSystemTimeFromHead());

                // 3) Do/process next event and remove from EventQueue
                Event eventToProcess = eventQueue.returnAndRemoveHeadEvent();
                EventType eventToProcessType = eventToProcess.getEventType();

                /* If event is:
                * 1) an arrival: create a process and add it to the scheduler's queue
                * 2) a completion: update the intermediate numbers needed for statistics
                * have scheduler start executing next process in ReadyQueue if available
                * and schedule completion event in the future if FCFS or RR because we know
                * the completion times. FCFS is start time + burst time. RR is start time + quantum.
                if (eventToProcessType == EventType.ProcessArrival) {
System.out.println("---WE HAVE AN ARRIVAL---");
                    // create the "arriving" process
                    Process p = new Process();
                    p.setArrivalTime(eventToProcess.getEventTime());  // processArrivalTime = eventTime
System.out.println("Process arrived at: " + p.getArrivalTime());
System.out.println("Process burst time is: " + p.getBurstTime());

                    // add new process to scheduler's ready queue

                    if(algorithmType == SchedulerType.FCFS.getSchedulerType()) {
                            // Give CPU a process from the ready queue and set busy = true
                            // since this is FCFS, an arriving process' completion time is known in "advance"
                            // so schedule a completion event

                            if(simulationCPU.isBusy()) {
                            } else {
                                //remove proces from ready queue, give it to CPU
                                p.setStartTime(simulationClock.getSimulationTime());  // start process time
                                p.setWaitingTime(p.getStartTime() - p.getArrivalTime());

                                Event knownCompletion = new Event(EventType.ProcessCompletion,
                                        p.getStartTime() + p.getBurstTime());

System.out.println("Process completion will be: " + knownCompletion.getEventTime() + "; " +
                                        "current time is: " + simulationClock.getSimulationTime());
System.out.println("Process start time: " + p.getStartTime());
System.out.println("Process waited for: " + p.getWaitingTime());

                    } // end FCFS arrival handling

                    //TODO: if SRTF, check process running on CPU against Ready Queue
                    //TODO: if queue has process w/ remainingCpuTime less than that of the running process, preempt
                } // end if to handle Process Arrivals
                else if (eventToProcessType == EventType.ProcessCompletion) {
System.out.println("---WE HAVE A COMPLETION---");

                    /* When an event completes, set its remainingCpuTime to zero
                     * increment numProcessesHandled counter.
                     * Also the CPU is free to work on another process, so we must give it one

                    if(algorithmType == SchedulerType.FCFS.getSchedulerType()) {

                        simulationCPU.getMyProcess().setRemainingCpuTime(0f); // process is done
System.out.println("Completing process' remaining CPU time is: " + simulationCPU.getMyProcess().getRemainingCpuTime());

                } // end else-if to handle Process Completions
                else if (eventToProcessType == EventType.TimeSliceOccurrence) {
                    // TODO: logic to handle Round Robin Time slice occurrence event

                // TODO: 3) Update statistics

                // TODO: 4) Create new ProcessArrival Event
                Event nextArrivalEvent = new Event(EventType.ProcessArrival,
                        simulationClock.getSimulationTime() + genexp(lambda));

                if (numProcessesHandled == 5) {
                    endingCondition = true;
                    System.out.println("We handled " + numProcessesHandled + " processes.");
            } // end while

            //TODO: 4) Generate and display statistical report
            //TODO: generateStatistics()
            //TODO: printStatistics()

        } // end if-else args.length validation

    } // end main

    private static SchedulingAlgorithm createSchedulingAlgorithm(int algorithmType) {
        SchedulingAlgorithm schedulingAlgorithm;//validate that algorithmType is in range (1,3)
        if (algorithmType > 0 && algorithmType < 4) {

            // create scheduler based on user defined type
            // the scheduler will internally set its type and create its specific Process Ready Queue
            if (algorithmType == SchedulerType.FCFS.getSchedulerType()) {  // FCFS
                schedulingAlgorithm = new FCFS();
            else if (algorithmType == SchedulerType.SRTF.getSchedulerType()) {  // SRTF
                schedulingAlgorithm = new SRTF();
            else {  // RR
                schedulingAlgorithm = new RR();
        } else {
            System.out.print("Please enter a valid value for the algorithm type, in range (1,3) inclusive.");
            return null;

        return  schedulingAlgorithm;

     * This method prints usage instructions to the command line if the user does not specify any
     * command line arguments or types the word 'help'
    private static void printProgramInstructions() {
        System.out.println("Discrete event simulator for 3 scheduling algorithms. ");
        System.out.println("Author: Borislav Sabotinov");
        System.out.println("java -jar DiscreteEventSimulator.jar <scheduler_type> <lambda> <avg. svc time> <quantum>");
        System.out.println("[scheduler_type] : value can be in the range (1,3) inclusive.");
        System.out.println("\t1 - First Come First Served (FCFS) Scheduler");
        System.out.println("\t2 - Shortest Remaining Time First (SRTF) Scheduler");
        System.out.println("\t3 - Round Robin (RR) Scheduler - requires 4th argument defining a quantum value.");
        System.out.println("[lambda] : average rate lambda that follows a Poisson process, to ensure exponential inter-arrival times.");
        System.out.println("[avg. svc time] : the service time is chosen according to an exponential distribution with an average service time of this third argument");
        System.out.println("[quantum] : optional argument only required for Round Robin (scheduler_type = 3). Defines the length of the quantum time slice.");
    } // end printProgramInstructions

    private static float urand() {
        Random rand = new Random();
        float value = rand.nextFloat();
        //value = (float) (Math.round(value * 100.0f)/100.0f);
        return value;
    } // end urand

    private static float genexp(float lambda) {
        float u, x;
        x = 0f;
        while (x == 0) {
            u = urand();
            x = (float) ((-1f/lambda) * log(u));
        return x;
    } // end genexp

} // end class