У меня есть плагин jQuery для динамических виджетов, называемый jarvisWidgets, включенный в [шаблон smartadmin] [1]. Однако мне было трудно вызывать функцию внутри этого плагина.
Я хочу вызвать функцию _loadAjaxFile
извне плагина, возможно ли это?
(function($, window, document, undefined) {
//"use strict";
var pluginName = 'jarvisWidgets';
* Check for touch support and set right click events.
var clickEvent = (('ontouchstart' in window) || window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof DocumentTouch ?
'clickEvent' : 'click') + '.' + pluginName;
function Plugin(element, options) {
* Variables.
this.obj = $(element);
this.o = $.extend({}, $.fn[pluginName].defaults, options);
this.objId = this.obj.attr('id');
this.pwCtrls = '.jarviswidget-ctrls';
this.widget = this.obj.find(this.o.widgets);
this.toggleClass = this.o.toggleClass.split('|');
this.editClass = this.o.editClass.split('|');
this.fullscreenClass = this.o.fullscreenClass.split('|');
this.customClass = this.o.customClass.split('|');
this.storage = {
enabled: this.o.localStorage
this.initialized = false;
Plugin.prototype = {
* Function for the indicator image.
* @param:
_runLoaderWidget: function(elm) {
var self = this;
if (self.o.indicator === true) {
.stop(true, true)
* Create a fixed timestamp.
* @param: t | date | Current date.
_getPastTimestamp: function(t) {
var self = this;
var da = new Date(t);
* Get and set the date and time.
var tsMonth = da.getMonth() + 1;
// index based
var tsDay = da.getDate();
var tsYear = da.getFullYear();
var tsHours = da.getHours();
var tsMinutes = da.getMinutes();
var tsSeconds = da.getUTCSeconds();
* Checking for one digit values, if so add an zero.
if (tsMonth < 10) {
tsMonth = '0' + tsMonth;
if (tsDay < 10) {
tsDay = '0' + tsDay;
if (tsHours < 10) {
tsHours = '0' + tsHours;
if (tsMinutes < 10) {
tsMinutes = '0' + tsMinutes;
if (tsSeconds < 10) {
tsSeconds = '0' + tsSeconds;
* The output, how you want it.
var format = self.o.timestampFormat.replace(/%d%/g, tsDay)
.replace(/%m%/g, tsMonth)
.replace(/%y%/g, tsYear)
.replace(/%h%/g, tsHours)
.replace(/%i%/g, tsMinutes)
.replace(/%s%/g, tsSeconds);
return format;
* AJAX load File, which get and shows the .
* @param: awidget | object | The widget.
* @param: file | file | The file thats beeing loaded.
* @param: loader | object | The widget.
_loadAjaxFile: function(awidget, file, loader) {
var self = this;
awidget.find('.widget-body').load(file, function(response, status, xhr) {
var $this = $(this);
* If action runs into an error display an error msg.
if (status == "error") {
$this.html('<h4 class="alert alert-danger">' + self.o.labelError + '<b> ' +
xhr.status + " " + xhr.statusText + '</b></h4>');
* Run if there are no errors.
if (status == "success") {
* Show a timestamp.
var aPalceholder = awidget.find(self.o.timestampPlaceholder);
if (aPalceholder.length) {
aPalceholder.html(self._getPastTimestamp(new Date()));
* Run the callback function.
if (typeof self.o.afterLoad == 'function') {
self.o.afterLoad.call(this, awidget);
self = null;
* Run function for the indicator image.
// other functions
})(jQuery, window, document);