import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame([
('123', 'eq-hk'),
('456', 'ca-eu; tp-lbe'),
('789', 'ca-us'),
('321', 'go-ch'),
('654', 'ca-au; go-au'),
('987', 'go-jp'),
('147', 'co-ml; go-ml'),
('258', 'ca-us'),
('369', 'ca-us; ca-my'),
('741', 'ca-us'),
('852', 'ca-eu'),
('963', 'ca-ml; co-ml; go-ml')],
columns=['Code', 'Items'])
# Get item type list from each row, sum (concatenate) the lists and convert
# to a set to remove duplicates
item_types = set(df['Items'].str.findall('(\w+)-').sum())
# {'ca', 'co', 'eq', 'go', 'tp'}
# Generate a column for each item type
df1 = pd.DataFrame(df['Code'])
for t in item_types:
df1[t] = df['Items'].str.findall('%s-(\w+)' % t).apply(lambda x: ''.join(x))
# Code ca tp eq co go
#0 123 hk
#1 456 eu lbe
#2 789 us
#3 321 ch
#4 654 au au
#5 987 jp
#6 147 ml ml
#7 258 us
#8 369 usmy
#9 741 us
#10 852 eu
#11 963 ml ml ml