Я нашел два функциональных формата для него. как сказал Лоренц, мы можем добавить предложение where в первом или, как я сказал, добавить в конце запроса. Вот два решения. первый:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION staff_clock(p_id int)
id int
, year int
, فروردین interval,
اردیبهشت interval,
خرداد interval,
تیر interval,
مرداد interval,
شهریور interval,
مهر interval,
آبان interval,
آذر interval,
دی interval,
بهمن interval,
اسفند interval) AS
with hours as (
select "Staff_Id",
when row_number() over w % 2 = 0 then
TO_CHAR("Time" - lag("Time") over w,'HH24:MI:SS')
end as hours
from "Org"."Clock"
window w as (partition by "Staff_Id", "Date" order by "Time")
), hours_per_month as (
select "Staff_Id",
extract(year from "Date")::int as work_year,
extract(month from "Date")::int as work_month,
sum(hours::interval) work_hours
from hours
where hours is not null
group by "Staff_Id", work_year, work_month
select "Staff_Id",
sum("work_hours") filter (where work_month = 1) as فروردین,
sum("work_hours") filter (where work_month = 2) as اردیبهشت,
sum("work_hours") filter (where work_month = 3) as خرداد,
sum("work_hours") filter (where work_month = 4) as تیر,
sum("work_hours") filter (where work_month = 5) as مرداد,
sum("work_hours") filter (where work_month = 6) as شهریور,
sum("work_hours") filter (where work_month = 7) as مهر,
sum("work_hours") filter (where work_month = 8) as آبان,
sum("work_hours") filter (where work_month = 9) as آذر,
sum("work_hours") filter (where work_month = 10) as دی,
sum("work_hours") filter (where work_month = 11) as بهمن,
sum("work_hours") filter (where work_month = 12) as اسفند
from hours_per_month
group by "Staff_Id", work_year
having "Staff_Id"=p_id;
$func$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
select * from staff_clock(2);
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION staff_clock(p_id int)
id int,
year int,
فروردین interval,
اردیبهشت interval,
خرداد interval,
تیر interval,
مرداد interval,
شهریور interval,
مهر interval,
آبان interval,
آذر interval,
دی interval,
بهمن interval,
اسفند interval)
AS $$
with hours as (
select "Staff_Id",
when row_number() over w % 2 = 0 then
TO_CHAR("Time" - lag("Time") over w,'HH24:MI:SS')
end as hours
from "Org"."Clock"
where "Staff_Id" = $1
window w as (partition by "Staff_Id", "Date" order by "Time")
), hours_per_month as (
select "Staff_Id",
extract(year from "Date")::int as work_year,
extract(month from "Date")::int as work_month,
sum(hours::interval) work_hours
from hours
where hours is not null
group by "Staff_Id", work_year, work_month
select "Staff_Id",
sum("work_hours") filter (where work_month = 1) as فروردین,
sum("work_hours") filter (where work_month = 2) as اردیبهشت,
sum("work_hours") filter (where work_month = 3) as خرداد,
sum("work_hours") filter (where work_month = 4) as تیر,
sum("work_hours") filter (where work_month = 5) as مرداد,
sum("work_hours") filter (where work_month = 6) as شهریور,
sum("work_hours") filter (where work_month = 7) as مهر,
sum("work_hours") filter (where work_month = 8) as آبان,
sum("work_hours") filter (where work_month = 9) as آذر,
sum("work_hours") filter (where work_month = 10) as دی,
sum("work_hours") filter (where work_month = 11) as بهمن,
sum("work_hours") filter (where work_month = 12) as اسفند
from hours_per_month
group by "Staff_Id", work_year;
END; $$
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
select * from staff_clock(3)