Вы можете переопределить Angular's DefaultUrlSerializer
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import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import {DefaultUrlSerializer, RouterModule, Routes, UrlSegment, UrlSerializer, UrlTree} from '@angular/router';
export class UrlSerializerService {
private defaultSerializer: DefaultUrlSerializer = new DefaultUrlSerializer();
parse(url: string): UrlTree {
// This is the custom patch where you'll collect segment containing '='
const lastSlashIndex = url.lastIndexOf('/'), equalSignIndex = url.indexOf('=', lastSlashIndex);
if (equalSignIndex > -1) { // url contians '=', apply patch
const keyValArr = url.substr(lastSlashIndex + 1).split('=');
const urlTree = this.defaultSerializer.parse(url);
// Once you have serialized urlTree, you have two options to capture '=' part
// Method 1. replace desired segment with whole "key=val" as segment
urlTree.root.children['primary'].segments.forEach((segment: UrlSegment) => {
if (segment.path === keyValArr[0]) {
segment.path = keyValArr.join('='); // Suggestion: you can use other unique set of characters here too e.g. '$$$'
return urlTree;
} else {
return this.defaultSerializer.parse(url);
serialize(tree: UrlTree): string {
return this.defaultSerializer.serialize(tree);
import { UrlSerializerService } from './url-serializer.service';
import {UrlSegment, UrlSerializer} from '@angular/router';
providers: [
provide: UrlSerializer,
useClass: CustomUrlSerializer