У меня есть массив. Как я могу найти максимальную длину последовательных положительных и отрицательных чисел в 8086 асм? Я подсчитал общее количество отрицательных чисел, но как узнать длину минусов и отрицательных чисел?
.model small
list db 10,20,80h,86h,23,26,12,57 ;array of numbers
count db (0) ;count variable(to store answer)
msg db 10,13, "The number of negative numbers is: $" ;output message
start: mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax
mov ch,00
mov dh,00 ; temp storage of ans
mov si,offset list ;point to start of array
mov cl,08 ;count of numbers in the array
again: mov al,[si] ;copy num in al
and al,80h ;AND with 80H
jz next ; jump to next statement if result is zero
; i.e. positive number. Else increase count
inc ch ;increment count if negative number if ANDing
; gives non zero value
inc si ;inc si to point to next location in array
dec cl ;decrement count of the array to check
jnz again ;if all numbers aare not covered do again
inc dh
mov bl,ch ;store the answer in bl
mov cl,04 ;count for shifting to display a number
mov al,bl ;copy ans in "AL" register
and al,0f0h ;Mask the LSB and take only MSB
shr al,cl ;shift the numberto bring MSB to LSB
cmp al,09 ;if it is number 0-9 just add 30H
jbe alpha ; if character A-F add additional 7
add al,07 ; for correct ASCII value to display
alpha: add al,30h ; add 30H to make the number ASCII
mov ah,02 ; display function
mov dl,al ; content to be displyed needs to be in DL
; for 02 function
int 21h
;printing LSB digit
mov ah,02 ;02 function for single digit display
mov al,bl ;copy ans in Al register
and al,00fh ; Mask the MSB. Since number is in LSB no need to
; shift
cmp al,09 ; check if number in 0-9
jbe alpha2 ; if alphabet add additional 7 to make correct
add al,07 ; ASCII value
alpha2: add al,30h ; add 30H for ASCII value
mov dl,al ; display content in DL for 02 function
int 21h
mov ah,4ch
int 21h ; to DOS prompt
end start
end ; end of file