Angular5 Как передать строку с тегом html, которая включает вызов функции? - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 12 января 2019

Я генерирую HTML в моем component.ts, который имеет встроенное использование вызова функции, следующим образом:

<a (click)='showProfileDialog("<b>TEST</b>")'>Click Me</a><br>

Если я жестко закодирую его в component.html, все работает нормально. Но вместо этого я хочу сгенерировать HTML в component.ts, как я пытаюсь сделать в функции getProfileAnchor()

Есть ли какая-то кодировка, которую мне нужно сделать? Если вы посмотрите на component.html, вы увидите, что я передаю viewHtml, который включает в себя сгенерированный HTML, в функцию safeurl. Кажется, этого будет достаточно.


<div id="content" data-sparkline-container="" data-easy-pie-chart-container="">
  <div class="row">
    <sa-big-breadcrumbs [items]="['Forum', 'Post View']" icon="comment" class="col-xs-12 col-sm-7 col-md-7 col-lg-4"></sa-big-breadcrumbs>
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-sm-12">
      <div class="well">
          <div [innerHTML]="viewHtml | safeurl: 'html'"> </div>  

<!-- THIS WORKS IF UNCOMMENTED                        
          <a (click)='showProfileDialog("<b>TEST</b>")'>Click Me</a><br>
          <hr width="10%" size="8" align="center">
          <table class="table table-striped table-forum"><tbody>
                  <h4><strong>Post a Reply</strong></h4>
                  <i id="forumPost" [summernote]="{height: 180}" (change)="savePostContent($event)"></i>

                  <button (click)="postTheContent()" class="btn btn-primary margin-top-10 mybtn" style="font-weight: 800">
                  <button (click)="previewTheContent()" class="btn btn-success margin-top-10 mybtn" style="background-color: green">


import { NgModule, Component, OnInit, Injectable, Pipe, PipeTransform, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
import { FormGroup, FormControl } from '@angular/forms';
import { FadeInTop } from "../../../shared/animations/fade-in-top.decorator";
import { ExDialog } from '../../../shared/dialogs/ex-dialog.service';
import { ActivatedRoute } from '@angular/router';

import { AuthService } from '../../../+auth/auth.service';
import { DialogService } from '../../../shared/dialogs/dialog.service';
import { ForumService } from '../forum.service';

declare let $:any;

  selector: 'sa-post-view',
  templateUrl: './post-view.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['../../../../assets/css/tmd_basic.css']

export class PostViewComponent implements OnInit {

  public initialContent = "Add text here";
  public postContent: any;

  public topicList: any;
  public topicSubjList: any;
  public postList: any;
  public publicProfileList: any;
  public attachmentList: any;

  public postID: string;
  public groupName: string;
  public topicName: string;
  public topicSubj: string;

  public viewHtml: any;

    private forumService: ForumService,
    private dialogService: DialogService,
    private activatedRoute: ActivatedRoute,
    private authService: AuthService,
    private exDialog: ExDialog
  ) {

  ngOnInit() {

    this.activatedRoute.queryParams.subscribe(params => {
        this.postID = params['postID'];
        if(!this.postID) {
          this.groupName = "Discussions";
          this.topicName = "TangleMyData";
          this.topicSubj = "Welcome Message";
        //###console.log("PostViewComponent ngOnInit - this.postID: " +this.postID);


    this.viewHtml = this.getViewHtml();

  showProfileDialog(profileStr: string) {
    //###console.log("PostViewComponent showProfileDialog - profileStr: " +profileStr);
    this.dialogService.htmlDalogWidth = "40%";
    this.exDialog.openSimpleDialog("custom", profileStr, "Public Profile");

  getViewHtml(): any {
    //###console.log("PostViewComponent getViewHtml - ENTRY");

    let result = `  
      <table class="table table-striped table-forum">
          <th colspan="2"> ` +this.getHeadAnchor() +` </th>

    result += `<tbody>`;

    let creatorName: string;
    let creationDate: string
    let publicProfile: any;
    let attachment: any;
    let attachmentCnt: number;
    let postContent: string;
    let postAttachments: string;

    for(const groupRow of this.topicList) {
      if((groupRow.groupName === this.groupName) && (groupRow.topicName === this.topicName)) {
        //###console.log("PostViewComponent getViewHtml - groupRow.groupName: " +groupRow.groupName +"; this.groupName: " +this.groupName +"; groupRow.topicName: " +groupRow.topicName +"; this.topicName: " +this.topicName);
        const groupID = groupRow.forumID;
        console.log("PostViewComponent getViewHtml - groupID: " +groupID);

        //get all posts for the topic - the order of posts are by their dateCreated; the results from the DB must be ordered correctly
        for(const postRow of this.postList) {
          if((postRow.forumID === this.postID) || (postRow.parentID === this.postID)) {
            creatorName = postRow.posterName;
            creationDate = postRow.dateCreated;
            postContent = postRow.postContent;
            //###console.log("PostViewComponent getViewHtml - creatorName: " +creatorName +"; postContent: " +postContent);

            //get public profile
            for(const searchRow of this.publicProfileList) {
              if(searchRow.personID === postRow.posterID) {
                publicProfile = searchRow;
                //###console.log("PostViewComponent getViewHtml - publicProfile.personID: " +publicProfile.personID);

            //get post attachments
            //###console.log("PostViewComponent getViewHtml - topicRow.forumID: " +topicRow.forumID);
            for(const searchRow of this.attachmentList) {
              if(searchRow.forumID === postRow.forumID) {
                attachment = searchRow;
                //###console.log("PostViewComponent getViewHtml - ############## attachment.forumID: " +attachment.forumID);

            //create post attachment section
            if(attachment) {                     
              //get attachment count
              attachmentCnt = 0;
              //###console.log("PostViewComponent getViewHtml - ########## attachment: " +attachment);
              if(attachment && attachment.attachments) {
                attachmentCnt = attachment.attachments.length;
              //###console.log("PostViewComponent getViewHtml - attachmentCnt: " +attachmentCnt);  

              //start attachment <ul> tag                      
              const downloadAllAnchor = this.getDownloadAllAnchor(attachment.attachments);

              postAttachments = `
                <div class="forum-attachment"> `
                  +attachmentCnt +` attachment(s) &#124; ` +downloadAllAnchor +`
                  <ul class="list-inline margin-top-10">`;

              //create <li> tags
              let liTags = ``;
              for(const item of attachment.attachments) {
                liTags += `
                  <li class="well well-sm padding-5">
                    <strong>` +item.fileName +`</strong>
                      +item.fileSize +`
                      +this.getDownloadAnchor(item) +` | ` +this.getViewerAnchor(item) +`

              //end attachment <ul> tag 
              postAttachments += liTags +`
            } else {
              postAttachments = ``;

            result += this.getHtmlRow(postContent, creatorName, creationDate, publicProfile, postAttachments);
        } //postList loop

    result += `</tbody></table>`;

    return result;

  getHeadAnchor(): string {
    //###console.log("PostViewComponent getHeadAnchor - ENTRY");

    const headGenHrefURL = "#/app-views/forum/general-view?groupName=" +encodeURIComponent(this.groupName);
    const headTopicHrefURL = "#/app-views/forum/topic-view?groupName=" +encodeURIComponent(this.groupName) +"&topicName=" +encodeURIComponent(this.topicName);
    //###console.log("PostViewComponent getHeadAnchor - headHrefURL: " +headHrefURL);

    return '<a href=' +headGenHrefURL +'> ' +decodeURIComponent(this.groupName) +'</a> &gt; <a href=' +headTopicHrefURL +'> ' +decodeURIComponent(this.topicName) +'</a> &gt; ' +decodeURIComponent(this.topicSubj);   

  getProfileAnchor(publicProfile: any): string {
    //###console.log("PostViewComponent getProfileAnchor - ENTRY");

    return `<a (click)='showProfileDialog("<b>TEST</b>")'>Click Me</a><br>`;

  getHtmlRow(postContent: string, creatorName: string, creationDate: string, publicProfile: any, postAttachments: string): any {
    //###console.log("PostViewComponent getHtmlRow - ENTRY");

    const result = ` 
            <td class="text-center" style="width: 12%;">
              ` +this.getProfileAnchor(publicProfile) +`
              <small>` +publicProfile.postCnt +` Posts</small>

              <strong>` +creatorName +`</strong> on <em>` +creationDate +`</em>
                 +postContent +` `
                 +postAttachments +`

    return result;


import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
import { SmartadminLayoutModule } from "../../../shared/layout/layout.module";
import { StatsModule } from "../../../shared/stats/stats.module";
import { SummernoteDirective } from '../../../shared/forms/editors/summernote.directive';
import { SmartadminModule } from '../../../shared/smartadmin.module';
import { TMDSharesModule } from '../../../shared/tmd_shares/tmdshares.module';
import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
import { PostViewRoutingModule } from './post-view-routing.module';
import { PostViewComponent } from './post-view.component';
import { TooltipModule } from 'ngx-bootstrap';

  imports: [

  declarations: [
  exports: [

export class PostViewModule {

Я ценю любую помощь в решении этой проблемы. Я хочу использовать эту технику в нескольких местах.

Спасибо, Боб

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