WordPress - Как удерживать количество уведомлений, пока пользователи не нажмут на кнопку? - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 12 января 2019

Я использую плагин "DW Notifications" https://wordpress.org/plugins/dw-notifications/, чтобы получать уведомления при появлении новой публикации, все работает без проблем.

Единственная проблема, с которой я сталкиваюсь, - это если я еще не нажал кнопку и обновил страницу, количество уведомлений исчезло !!

Итак, как я могу держать или держать счетчик уведомлений всегда, пока каждый пользователь не нажмет на кнопку!

Я новичок в WordPress, и я больше времени искал, как это исправить, но мне не удалось.

уведомительный alert.php

<div id="dw-notifications" class="dw-notifications <?php echo '_'.$id;?>" data-id="<?php echo $id;?>">
    <button class="dw-notification-btn <?php echo (isset($count_unchecked) && $count_unchecked>0)? 'has-notification' : ''?>" type="button" title="Notifications">
        <i class="fa fa-bell"></i>
        <span class="notif-count-unchecked"><?php echo (isset($count_unchecked) && $count_unchecked>0)? $count_unchecked : '0'?></span>

    <div class="notification-group">
        <div class="clearfix noti-headertop">
            <div class="text-left">
                <h3 class="noti-headertitle"><?php _e( 'Notifications', 'dw-notifications' );?></h3>
                <div class="noti-headeraction">
                    <button type="button" class="dw-notif-mark-all-read" ><?php _e( 'Mask all as read', 'dw-notifications' );?></button>
        <ul class="list-notification noti-body">
            <?php include dwnotif_load_template( 'notification-list', false );?>


А это и есть JavaScript.

    var tempPopup;
    var time = dwnotif.dwnotif_current_time;
    var old_time = time;


    var change_numer = 0;
    var minTimeRequest = 2000;
    var maxTimeRequest = 30000;
    var currentTimeRequest = 10000;
    var timeoutPopup = 15000;


    function changeTimeRequest(changed = false){

            currentTimeRequest = currentTimeRequest/2;
                return false;
            currentTimeRequest = currentTimeRequest*2;
            change_numer = 0;

            currentTimeRequest = minTimeRequest;

            currentTimeRequest = maxTimeRequest;

    function autoCheck(changed = false){
        setTimeout(checkNotifications, currentTimeRequest);

    function checkNotifications(){
            url: dwnotif.dwnotif_ajax_url,
            type: 'POST',
            dataType: 'json',
            data: {
                action: 'dwnotif_check_notifications',
                nonce: dwnotif.dwnotif_nonce,
                time: time,
            success: function( data ) {

                var changed = false;
                if (data.success) {
                        $('#dw-notifications .list-notification').prepend(data.result.newest_notifications);



                        changed = true;

                        for(var i=0;i<data.result.length;i++){
                            $('.dw-notifications._' + data.result[i].id).find('.list-notification').html(data.result[i].html);
                                addPopup(data.result[i].id, data.result[i].new);
                                changed = true;
                                addHasNotifications(data.result[i].id, data.result[i].count_unchecked);
                    time = data.time;
            error: function (request, status, error) {

    function changeTimeItem(){
        $('.dw-notifications .list-notification').find('li').each(function(e){
            var diff= dw_human_time_diff($(this).data('time'), time);

    function changeReadItem(){
        //change read all
        var markReadAll = getCookie('dw_read_all_time');
            // all read
            $('#dw-notifications .list-notification').find('.unread').each(function(){
                var item_time = $(this).data('time');
                if(item_time <= markReadAll){

        //change read item
        var readList = getCookie('dw_read_list');
            var listItems = readList.split(",");
            for(var i = 0; i < listItems.length; i++){
                $('#dw-notifications .list-notification').find('#dw-notif-' + listItems[i] + '.unread').removeClass('unread').addClass('read');

        //change has notification
        var checkedTime = getCookie('dw_checked_time');
        if(checkedTime && checkedTime >= old_time){
            $('#dw-notifications .dw-notification-btn').removeClass('has-notification');
        old_time = time;

    function addPopup(itemHtml){
        var popup_id = '#dw-notif-popup';


            var item = $(itemHtml);
            //close popup notify
            item.on('click', function(){
            $(popup_id +' ul').append(item);

            tempPopup = setTimeout( function(){ $(popup_id).removeClass('open'); $(popup_id +' ul').html('');}, timeoutPopup);


    //user checked
    $('.dw-notification-btn').on('click', function(){


        var notifications = $(this).closest('.dw-notifications');


                //if user not logged => return false
                return false;

                url: dwnotif.dwnotif_ajax_url,
                type: 'POST',
                dataType: 'json',
                data: {
                    action: 'dwnotif_mark_user_checked',
                    nonce: dwnotif.dwnotif_nonce,
                success: function( data ) {
                     if (data.success) {
                        //read all
                error: function (request, status, error) {



    //mark item read
    $(document).on('click', '.list-notification .unread', function (e) {

    //mark all as read
    $('.dw-notif-mark-all-read').on('click', function(){
        var notifications = $(this).closest('.dw-notifications');
        var id = notifications.data('id');

            url: dwnotif.dwnotif_ajax_url,
            type: 'POST',
            dataType: 'json',
            data: {
                action: 'dwnotif_mark_all_as_read',
                nonce: dwnotif.dwnotif_nonce,
                id: id,
            success: function( data ) {
                if (data.success) {
                    //read all
            error: function (request, status, error) {


    $(document).on('click', function (e) {
    $(document).on('click', '.dw-notifications', function (e) {

//custom time diff
function dw_human_time_diff( from = false, to = false) {
    if ( !from || !to ) {
        return false;
    var  constants =dwnotif.dwnotif_constants;

    var diff = parseInt(Math.abs( to - from ));

    if ( diff < constants.HOUR_IN_SECONDS ) {
        var mins = Math.round( diff / constants.MINUTE_IN_SECONDS );
        if ( mins <= 1 )
            mins = 1;
        /* translators: Time difference between two dates, in minutes (min=minute). 1: Number of minutes */
        var since = mins==1? mins +' min' : mins +' mins';
    }  else if ( diff < constants.DAY_IN_SECONDS && diff >= constants.HOUR_IN_SECONDS ) {
        var hours = Math.round( diff / constants.HOUR_IN_SECONDS );
        if ( hours <= 1 )
            hours = 1;
        /* translators: Time difference between two dates, in hours. 1: Number of hours */
        var since = hours==1? hours +' hour' : hours +' hours';
    }  else if ( diff < constants.WEEK_IN_SECONDS && diff >= constants.DAY_IN_SECONDS ) {
        var days = Math.round( diff / constants.DAY_IN_SECONDS );
        if ( days <= 1 )
            days = 1;
        /* translators: Time difference between two dates, in days. 1: Number of days */
        var since = days==1? days +' day' : days +' days';
    }  else if ( diff < constants.MONTH_IN_SECONDS && diff >= constants.WEEK_IN_SECONDS ) {
        var weeks = Math.round( diff / constants.WEEK_IN_SECONDS );
        if ( weeks <= 1 )
            weeks = 1;
        /* translators: Time difference between two dates, in weeks. 1: Number of weeks */
        var since = weeks==1? weeks +' week' : weeks +' weeks';
    }  else if ( diff < constants.YEAR_IN_SECONDS && diff >= constants.MONTH_IN_SECONDS ) {
        var months = Math.round( diff / constants.MONTH_IN_SECONDS );
        if ( months <= 1 )
            months = 1;
        /* translators: Time difference between two dates, in months. 1: Number of months */
        var since = months==1? months +' month' : months +' months';
    }  else if ( diff >= constants.YEAR_IN_SECONDS ) {
        var years = Math.round( diff / constants.YEAR_IN_SECONDS );
        if ( years <= 1 )
            years = 1;
        /* translators: Time difference between two dates, in years. 1: Number of years */
        var since = years==1? years +' year' : years +' years';
    return since;

function setCookie(cname, cvalue, extimes) {
    var d = new Date();
    d.setTime(d.getTime() + (extimes*1000)); // extimes second
    var expires = "expires="+ d.toUTCString();
    document.cookie = cname + "=" + cvalue + ";" + expires + ";path=/";

function getCookie(cname) {
    var name = cname + "=";
    var decodedCookie = decodeURIComponent(document.cookie);
    var ca = decodedCookie.split(';');
    for(var i = 0; i <ca.length; i++) {
        var c = ca[i];
        while (c.charAt(0) == ' ') {
            c = c.substring(1);
        if (c.indexOf(name) == 0) {
            return c.substring(name.length, c.length);
    return "";
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