Ваш код не может работать, потому что в нем нет пользовательских форм. Тем не менее, я прокомментировал это, потому что в нем есть больше проблем, которые возникнут даже после того, как вы разрешите наличие или отсутствие формы пользователя.
Private Sub LogOutButton_Click()
Dim finalrow As Integer ' better to be Long
Dim i As Integer ' better to be Long
Dim NameOut As String
Dim DateOut As String
' If the following are text boxes on a user form
' note that no form has been loaded.
NameOut = NameOutBox.Text ' can you avoid typos? What about case?
DateOut = DateOutBox.Text ' This isn't a date. It's text that looks like a date.
' Try not to need the user's injput for this date.
' It should always be the current date or the date before.
Sheets("ATDataSheet").Select ' Don't select anything !!!
' Presumably the button is on a sheet. That sheet is the ActiveSheet - no doubt.
' If you want to refer to "ATDataSheet", assign it to a variable, e.g.
' Dim Ws as worksheet
' Set Ws = Worksheets("ATDataSheet")
' finalrow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
With Ws ' refer to the declared worksheet
finalrow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
For i = 2 To finalrow
' the next line is highly problematic:
' a) the name may not match (different case, wrong spelling)
' b) the date may not match (different format, different spelling)
' Try to create a system by which the date is always a true date,
' meaning a number. I think it is created on sign-in. At that time it
' should be the current date and you can enter it without the user's
' asistance, thereby making sure it's a proper date, for example,
' Cells(R, 2)Value = Date
' Then, on the way out, you might check for
' .Cells(i, 2).Formula = Clng(CDate(DateOut))
If .Cells(i, 1).Value = NameOut And .Cells(i, 2).Value = DateOut Then
' wrong addressing. you want .Cells(i, 12)
.Cells(Columns.Count, 12).End(xlToLeft).Offset(1, 0) = Format(Time, "hh:mm")
End If
Next i
End With
' Me is the worksheet at this point. No form has been loaded.
' The worksheet can' be unloaded.
Unload Me
' I think this is the sheet on which you have the button which
' called this procedure. If you didn't select any other sheet,
' and you should not, then it is still the ActiveSheet at this point.
MsgBox "LOG OUT Successful"
End Sub