Я обнаружил, что моя функция редуктора не срабатывает, когда я отправляю действие в мой магазин
У меня есть функциональный модуль с действиями, которые отлично работают
У меня проблема с состоянием макета, которое является единственным состоянием, которое я регистрирую в корневом состоянии.
Вот как я инициализирую приложение:
import * as fromLayout from '../core/store/reducers/layout.reducer';
import * as layoutActions from '../core/store/actions/layout.actions';
import { ActionReducerMap, createSelector } from '@ngrx/store';
import { ActionReducer } from 'ngx-bootstrap/mini-ngrx';
//Interface to hold all states, top level state interface is just a map of keys to inner state types.
export interface Root {
readonly layout: fromLayout.State
export type RootActions = layoutActions.Actions;
//Get reducers
export const initialState = {
layout: fromLayout.reducer(undefined, {} as layoutActions.Actions)
export interface State {
root: Root;
//Make sure below is not a function expression
export function rootReducer(state: Root = initialState, action: RootActions){
return {
layout: fromLayout.reducer(state.layout, {} as layoutActions.Actions)
export const reducers: ActionReducerMap<State> = {
root: rootReducer
В app.module.ts
import { reducers } from './reducers/';//This points to -> const reducers: ActionReducer
StoreDevtoolsModule.instrument({maxAge: 25}),
My layout.actions.ts
import { Action } from '@ngrx/store';
export const OPEN_SIDENAV = '[Layout] Open Sidenav';
export const CLOSE_SIDENAV = '[Layout] Close Sidenav';
export const CURRENT_BLOG_ID = '[Layout] Current Blog ID';
export class OpenSidenav implements Action {
readonly type = OPEN_SIDENAV;
export class CloseSidenav implements Action {
readonly type = CLOSE_SIDENAV;
export class CurrentBlogID implements Action {
readonly type = CURRENT_BLOG_ID;
constructor(public payload:string){
export type Actions = OpenSidenav | CloseSidenav | CurrentBlogID;
import * as layout from '../actions/layout.actions';
export interface State {
showSidenav: boolean;
const initialState: State = {
showSidenav: false,
export function reducer(state = initialState, action: layout.Actions): State {
switch (action.type) {
case layout.CLOSE_SIDENAV:
return {
showSidenav: false,
case layout.OPEN_SIDENAV:
return {
showSidenav: true,
case layout.CURRENT_BLOG_ID:
return handleCurrentBlogID(state, action)
return state;
function handleCurrentBlogID(state, action){
let newState = {
currentBlogID: action.payload,
return newState
export const getShowSidenav = (state: State) => state.showSidenav;
Как я отправляю в магазин:
import { State } from '../../reducers';//This is root state
export class HomeComponent {
constructor(private store: Store<State>) {}
this.store.dispatch(new CurrentBlogID(id))