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Файл объекта может выглядеть как
Feature: use of reusable Given
Background: Reusable Example
Given I am viewing url
| https://google.com |
And a search phrase is entered in the search field
Scenario: First Scenario
And step for first scenario
Scenario: Second Scenario
And step for second scenario
реализация кода клея для Given
@Given("^I am viewing url$")
public void iAmViewing(List<String> url) throws Throwable {
System.out.println("url = " + url);
edit После обновления вопроса Scenario Outline
может сработать для обоих примеров.
Feature: use of example
Scenario Outline: First Scenario
Given I am viewing "<host>" with path "<path>"
Then I assert that the current URL is "<host><path>"
| host | path |
| https://google.com | / |
| https://twitter.com | /contactus |