Разобравшись с решением, мы надеемся помочь следующему, кто придет.
Я нашел пакет Azure Python SDK для Batch, я создал небольшой скрипт, который будет перебирать все пулы + узлы в учетной записи и удалять любые файлы в каталоге рабочих элементов старше 1 дня.
import azure.batch as batch
import azure.batch.operations.file_operations as file_operations
from azure.batch.batch_auth import SharedKeyCredentials
import azure.batch.operations
import msrest.service_client
from datetime import datetime
program_datetime = datetime.utcnow()
batch_account = 'batchaccount001'
batch_url = 'https://batchaccount001.westeurope.batch.azure.com'
batch_key = '<BatchKeyGoesHere>'
batch_credentials = SharedKeyCredentials(batch_account, batch_key)
#Create Batch Client with which to do operations
batch_client = batch.BatchServiceClient(credentials=batch_credentials,
batch_url = batch_url
service_client = msrest.service_client.ServiceClient(batch_credentials, batch_client.config)
#List out all the pools
pools = batch_client.pool.list()
pool_list = [p.id for p in pools]
for p in pool_list:
nodes = batch_client.compute_node.list(p)
node_list = [n.id for n in nodes]
for n in node_list:
pool_id = p
node_id = n
print(f'Pool = {pool_id}, Node = {node_id}')
fo_client = azure.batch.operations.FileOperations(service_client,
files = fo_client.list_from_compute_node(pool_id,
for file in files:
# Check to make sure it's not a directory. Directories do not have a last_modified property.
if not file.is_directory:
file_datetime = file.properties.last_modified.replace(tzinfo=None)
file_age_in_seconds = (program_datetime - file_datetime).total_seconds()
# Delete anything older than a day in the workitems directory.
if file_age_in_seconds > 86400 and file.name.startswith('workitems'):
print(f'{file_age_in_seconds} : {file.name}')
fo_client.delete_from_compute_node(pool_id, node_id, file.name)