Привет, я довольно новичок в использовании функций и действий по нажатию кнопки для вызова javascript, поэтому я могу сделать это с некоторой помощью. По сути, я установил плагин на WordPress, который добавляет кнопку на страницу в виде виджета и после нажатия запускает скрипт. Тем не менее, мне не нравится их кнопка, поэтому я пытаюсь написать свою собственную, но я хочу, чтобы она запускала скрипт, как есть.
Вот код скрипта:
* Timely BookButton plugin
* Example usage:
* var button = new timelyButton('doedayspa');
* Booking process can be kicked off manually by calling the start method on the button instance e.g.
* button.start();
// Need this for legacy support of older versions of the BookingButton
var timelyButton;
(function () {
"use strict";
var context = window;
var mobile = {
Android: function () {
return navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/i) ? true : false;
BlackBerry: function () {
return navigator.userAgent.match(/BlackBerry/i) ? true : false;
iOS: function () {
return navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone|iPod/i) ? true : false;
Windows: function () {
return navigator.userAgent.match(/IEMobile/i) ? true : false;
any: function () {
return (mobile.Android() || mobile.BlackBerry() || mobile.iOS() || mobile.Windows());
timelyButton = function (id, opts) {
var options = opts || {};
var businessId = id;
var resellerCode = options.reseller || resellerCode || '';
var productId = options.product || productId || '';
var categoryId = options.category || categoryId || '';
var staffId = options.staff || staffId || '';
var locationId = options.location || locationId || '';
var giftVoucherId = options.giftVoucherId || giftVoucherId || '';
var isPurchaseButton = options.isPurchaseButton != null ? options.isPurchaseButton : false; // default not a purchase
var dontCreateButton = !!options.dontCreateButton;
window.timelyBookFrame = {};
var XD;
var style = options.style || 'light';
var buttonId = options.buttonId || false;
var bookButton;
var scriptSource = (function() {
var script = document.getElementById('timelyScript');
if (script.getAttribute.length !== undefined) {
return script.src;
return script.getAttribute('src', -1);
var isOwnImage = !!options.imgSrc;
var imgButtonType = isPurchaseButton ? "purchase-buttons" : "book-buttons";
var imgSrc = options.imgSrc || getDomain() + '/images/' + imgButtonType + '/button_' + style + '@2x.png';
var hoverSrc = getDomain() + '/images/' + imgButtonType + '/button_' + style + '_hover@2x.png';
var activeSrc = getDomain() + '/images/' + imgButtonType + '/button_' + style + '_active@2x.png';
var locationUrl = (isPurchaseButton ? '/giftvoucher/details/' : '/booking/location/') + businessId;
function init() {
if (dontCreateButton) return true;
if (isOwnImage) {
bookButton = document.createElement('a');
bookButton.href = 'javascript:void(0)';
bookButton.onclick = eventHandler.prototype.Book;
bookButton.innerHTML = '<img src=\'' + imgSrc + '\' border=\'0\' />';
} else {
bookButton = document.createElement('a');
bookButton.style.backgroundImage = "url(" + imgSrc + ")";
bookButton.style.backgroundRepeat = "no-repeat";
bookButton.style.backgroundPosition = "0px 0px";
bookButton.style.backgroundSize = (isPurchaseButton ? "220px" : "162px") + " 40px";
bookButton.style.width = isPurchaseButton ? "220px" : "162px";
bookButton.style.height = "40px";
bookButton.style.display = "inline-block";
bookButton.href = 'javascript:void(0)';
bookButton.onclick = eventHandler.prototype.Book;
bookButton.innerHTML += '<img src="' + hoverSrc + '" style="display:none;" border=\'0\' />';
bookButton.innerHTML += '<img src="' + activeSrc + '" style="display:none;" border=\'0\' />';
bookButton.onmouseenter = function() { this.style.backgroundImage = "url(" + hoverSrc + ")"; };
bookButton.onmouseout = function () { this.style.backgroundImage = "url(" + imgSrc + ")"; };
bookButton.onmousedown = function () { this.style.backgroundImage = "url(" + activeSrc + ")"; };
bookButton.onmouseup = function () { this.style.backgroundImage = "url(" + hoverSrc + ")"; };
var insertionPoint = findInsertionPoint(buttonId);
insertAfter(bookButton, insertionPoint);
function findInsertionPoint(buttonId) {
var insertionPoint = false;
if (buttonId) {
insertionPoint = document.getElementById(buttonId);
} else {
if (("currentScript" in document)) {
insertionPoint = document.currentScript;
} else {
var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
insertionPoint = scripts[scripts.length - 1];
return insertionPoint;
function getDomain() {
return ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://' : 'http://') + scriptSource.match( /:\/\/(.[^/]+)/ )[1];
function startBooking() {
var url = "";
if (resellerCode) {
url += '&reseller=' + resellerCode;
if (productId) {
url += '&productId=' + productId;
if (categoryId) {
url += '&categoryId=' + categoryId;
if (staffId) {
url += '&staffId=' + staffId;
if (locationId) {
url += '&locationId=' + locationId;
if (giftVoucherId) {
url += '&giftVoucherId=' + giftVoucherId;
if (window.innerWidth < 768 || mobile.any()) {
url = getDomain() + locationUrl + "?mobile=true" + url;
window.location.href = url;
window.timelyBookFrame = document.createElement('iframe');
window.timelyBookFrame.className = 'timely-book-frame';
window.timelyBookFrame.style.cssText = 'width: 100%; height: 100%; position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; z-index: 99999999;';
window.timelyBookFrame.setAttribute('frameBorder', 0);
window.timelyBookFrame.setAttribute('allowTransparency', 'true');
url = getDomain() + (isPurchaseButton ? '/giftvoucher' : '/booking') + '/overlay/' + businessId + '?x' + url;
url += '#' + encodeURIComponent(document.location.href);
window.timelyBookFrame.src = url;
window.timelyBookFrame.style.display = 'none';
var element = document.getElementById('timely-lightbox');
if (typeof(element) != 'undefined' && element != null) {
function insertAfter(f, n) {
var p = n.parentNode;
if (n.nextSibling) {
p.insertBefore(f, n.nextSibling);
} else {
function eventHandler() {
// prototype instance
eventHandler.prototype.Book = function() {
// everything is wrapped in the XD function to reduce namespace collisions
XD = function () {
var interval_id,
cache_bust = 1,
window = context;
return {
postMessage: function (message, target_url, target) {
if (!target_url) {
target = target || parent; // default to parent
if (window['postMessage']) {
// the browser supports window.postMessage, so call it with a targetOrigin
// set appropriately, based on the target_url parameter.
target['postMessage'](message, target_url.replace(/([^:]+:\/\/[^\/]+).*/, '$1'));
} else if (target_url) {
// the browser does not support window.postMessage, so use the window.location.hash fragment hack
target.location = target_url.replace(/#.*$/, '') + '#' + (+new Date) + (cache_bust++) + '&' + message;
receiveMessage: function (callback, source_origin) {
// browser supports window.postMessage
if (window['postMessage']) {
// bind the callback to the actual event associated with window.postMessage
if (callback) {
attached_callback = function (e) {
if ((typeof source_origin === 'string' && e.origin !== source_origin)
|| (Object.prototype.toString.call(source_origin) === "[object Function]" && source_origin(e.origin) === !1)) {
return !1;
if (window['addEventListener']) {
window[callback ? 'addEventListener' : 'removeEventListener']('message', attached_callback, !1);
} else {
window[callback ? 'attachEvent' : 'detachEvent']('onmessage', attached_callback);
} else {
// a polling loop is started & callback is called whenever the location.hash changes
interval_id && clearInterval(interval_id);
interval_id = null;
if (callback) {
interval_id = setInterval(function () {
var hash = document.location.hash,
re = /^#?\d+&/;
if (hash !== last_hash && re.test(hash)) {
last_hash = hash;
callback({ data: hash.replace(re, '') });
}, 100);
// setup a callback to handle the dispatched MessageEvent. if window.postMessage is supported the passed
// event will have .data, .origin and .source properties. otherwise, it will only have the .data property.
XD.receiveMessage(function (message) {
if (message.data == 'close') {
var element = document.getElementById('timely-lightbox');
if (typeof (element) != 'undefined' && element != null) {
if (window.timelyBookFrame && window.timelyBookFrame.parentNode) window.timelyBookFrame.parentNode.removeChild(window.timelyBookFrame);
if (message.data == 'open' && window.timelyBookFrame) {
window.timelyBookFrame.style.display = 'block';
}, getDomain());
// expose the BookButton API
return {
start: function() {
Так, как я могу запустить этот JavaScript, когда я нажимаю кнопку?
Любая помощь будет принята с благодарностью!