Перед использованием кода внимательно изучите раздел настройки . Серьезным ограничением является то, что каждая из двух пар столбцов содержит смежных столбцов, что реализовано для пропуска циклического перемещения по диапазону.
Option Explicit
Sub Monthify()
'**** Customize BEGIN ******************
Const cStrDateCol As String = "B" ' Column Letter of the Date
Const cStrSalesCol As String = "C" ' Column Letter of the Sales
Const cStrMonthCol As String = "E" ' Column Letter of the Resulting Month
Const cStrTotalCol As String = "F" ' Column Letter of the Resulting Sales
Const cLngFirstRow As Long = 4 ' First Row of Initial Data
Const cLngFirstRowResult As Long = 4 ' First Row of Resulting Data
Const cLngLastRow As Long = 0 ' Last Row (If 0, it is calculated.)
Const cStrSheet = "Sheet1" ' Sheet Name. If "", then ActiveSheet.
Const cStrMonth1 As String = "MMM" ' Month Format Part 1
Const cStrMonth2 As String = "-" ' Month Format Part 2
Const cStrMonth3 As String = "YY" ' Month Format Part 3
'**** Customize END ********************
Dim objWs As Worksheet
Dim arrInit As Variant ' Initial Array
Dim arrResult As Variant ' Resulting Array
Dim lngLastRow As Long ' Last Row Calculator
Dim lngArr As Long ' Array Row Counter
Dim lngArr2 As Long ' Array Additional Sort Row Counter
Dim iArr As Integer ' Array Columns Counter
Dim vntArr As Variant ' Array Temporary Variable
Dim lngUnique As Long ' (Unique) Months Count(er)
' Objects
' In Workbook
With ThisWorkbook
If cStrSheet <> "" Then
Set objWs = .Worksheets(cStrSheet)
Set objWs = .ActiveSheet
End If
End With
' In Worksheet
With objWs
' Define last row of data.
If cLngLastRow <> 0 Then ' Last row is defined.
lngLastRow = cLngLastRow
Else ' Last row isn't defined, has to be calculated.
If .Cells(.Rows.Count, cStrDateCol) = "" Then ' Last cell is empty.
lngLastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, cStrDateCol).End(xlUp).Row
Else ' Last cell is not empty.
lngLastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, cStrDateCol).Row
End If
End If
' Paste data into array.
arrInit = Union(.Range( _
Cells(cLngFirstRow, cStrDateCol), _
Cells(lngLastRow, cStrDateCol)), .Range( _
Cells(cLngFirstRow, cStrSalesCol), _
Cells(lngLastRow, cStrSalesCol))).Value2
End With
' Arrays
' Sort initial array by date ascending.
For lngArr = LBound(arrInit) To UBound(arrInit)
For lngArr2 = lngArr + 1 To UBound(arrInit)
If arrInit(lngArr, 1) > arrInit(lngArr2, 1) Then
For iArr = 1 To 2
vntArr = arrInit(lngArr2, iArr)
arrInit(lngArr2, iArr) = arrInit(lngArr, iArr)
arrInit(lngArr, iArr) = vntArr
End If
' Convert date to months-year string.
For lngArr = LBound(arrInit) To UBound(arrInit)
arrInit(lngArr, 1) = WorksheetFunction.Proper(Format(arrInit(lngArr, 1), _
cStrMonth1)) & cStrMonth2 & Format(arrInit(lngArr, 1), cStrMonth3)
' Count the number of unique month-year strings to determine the resulting
' array's size.
vntArr = ""
For lngArr = LBound(arrInit) To UBound(arrInit)
If vntArr <> arrInit(lngArr, 1) Then
vntArr = arrInit(lngArr, 1)
lngUnique = lngUnique + 1
End If
' Resize resulting array.
ReDim arrResult(1 To lngUnique, 1 To 2)
' Write first column to resulting array.
vntArr = ""
lngUnique = 0
For lngArr = LBound(arrInit) To UBound(arrInit)
If vntArr <> arrInit(lngArr, 1) Then
vntArr = arrInit(lngArr, 1)
lngUnique = lngUnique + 1
arrResult(lngUnique, 1) = arrInit(lngArr, 1)
End If
' Write second column to resulting array.
For lngArr2 = LBound(arrResult) To UBound(arrResult)
vntArr = 0
For lngArr = LBound(arrInit) To UBound(arrInit)
If arrResult(lngArr2, 1) = arrInit(lngArr, 1) Then
vntArr = vntArr + arrInit(lngArr, 2)
End If
arrResult(lngArr2, 2) = vntArr
' Paste array into range.
With objWs
Union(.Range( _
Cells(cLngFirstRowResult, cStrMonthCol), _
Cells(cLngFirstRowResult + lngUnique - 1, cStrMonthCol)), .Range( _
Cells(cLngFirstRowResult, cStrTotalCol), _
Cells(cLngFirstRowResult + lngUnique - 1, cStrTotalCol))) = arrResult
End With
Set objWs = Nothing
End Sub