Ionic 3 - приложение зависает при запуске режима --prod в Android - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 14 января 2019

Когда я запускаю приложение на устройстве в режиме отладки, все работает нормально, но когда я собираюсь с помощью --prod и пытаюсь запустить его, оно зависает и никогда не запускается после заставки.

Я думаю, это может быть что-то, связанное с Facebook, у моего приложения есть логин на Facebook.

В logcat много ошибок, но я не могу опубликовать здесь, потому что слишком много текста.

01-14 16:11:49.014 5251-5251/? E/WebContentsProviderReceiver: onReceive - not approved application

    --------- beginning of system
01-14 16:11:49.484 855-1058/? E/MARsDBManager: updateDBAll : begin --size 3
01-14 16:11:49.554 855-1058/? E/MARsDBManager: updateDBAll : end
01-14 16:11:49.674 6891-6891/? E/ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.facebook.appmanager.nekodirect
01-14 16:11:50.214 5312-5312/? E/Zygote: v2
01-14 16:11:50.224 5312-5312/? E/Zygote: accessInfo : 0
01-14 16:11:50.714 5329-5329/? E/Zygote: v2
01-14 16:11:50.724 5329-5329/? E/Zygote: accessInfo : 0
01-14 16:11:52.354 5385-5385/? E/Zygote: v2
01-14 16:11:52.364 5385-5385/? E/Zygote: accessInfo : 0
01-14 16:11:52.694 5385-5400/? E/SPPClientService: ShipBuild Binary : True
01-14 16:11:52.954 5329-5376/? E/GraphResponse: {HttpStatus: 400, errorCode: 100, subErrorCode: 33, errorType: GraphMethodException, errorMessage: Unsupported get request. Object with ID '181349075940707' does not exist, cannot be loaded due to missing permissions, or does not support this operation. Please read the Graph API documentation at}
01-14 16:11:54.154 5312-5422/? E/HealthAnalytics: [HAnalytics] checkMandatoryProperty(), property ordinal : 1 is mandatory, but key is empty.
01-14 16:11:54.154 5312-5422/? E/HealthAnalytics: [HAnalytics] checkMandatoryProperty(), property ordinal : 2 is mandatory, but key is empty.
01-14 16:11:54.154 5312-5422/? E/HealthAnalytics: [HAnalytics] checkMandatoryProperty(), property ordinal : 3 is mandatory, but key is empty.
01-14 16:11:54.154 5312-5422/? E/HealthAnalytics: [HAnalytics] checkMandatoryProperty(), property ordinal : 4 is mandatory, but key is empty.
01-14 16:11:54.154 5312-5422/? E/HealthAnalytics: [HAnalytics] checkMandatoryProperty(), property ordinal : 5 is mandatory, but key is empty.
01-14 16:11:54.154 5312-5422/? E/HealthAnalytics: [HAnalytics] checkMandatoryProperty(), property ordinal : 6 is mandatory, but key is empty.
01-14 16:11:54.154 5312-5422/? E/HealthAnalytics: [HAnalytics] checkMandatoryProperty(), property ordinal : 7 is mandatory, but key is empty.
01-14 16:11:54.234 5329-5412/? E/File: fail readDirectory() errno=2
    fail readDirectory() errno=2
01-14 16:11:54.244 5329-5412/? E/File: fail readDirectory() errno=2

А вот мой конфиг проекта:

± % ionic info                                                                                                                                                                !10

cli packages: (/usr/local/lib/node_modules)

    @ionic/cli-utils  : 1.19.2
    ionic (Ionic CLI) : 3.20.0

global packages:

    cordova (Cordova CLI) : 7.1.0

local packages:

    @ionic/app-scripts : 3.2.0
    Cordova Platforms  : android 6.3.0 ios 4.5.5
    Ionic Framework    : ionic-angular 3.9.2


    Android SDK Tools : 26.1.1
    ios-deploy        : 2.0.0
    ios-sim           : 6.0.0
    Node              : v8.11.3
    npm               : 5.6.0
    OS                : macOS
    Xcode             : Xcode 10.1 Build version 10B61


± % cordova plugin list                                                                                                                                                       !11
com.googlemaps.ios 2.7.0 "Google Maps SDK for iOS"
com.telerik.plugins.nativepagetransitions 0.6.5 "Native Page Transitions"
cordova-plugin-add-swift-support 1.7.2 "AddSwiftSupport"
cordova-plugin-android-permissions 1.0.0 "Permissions"
cordova-plugin-camera 4.0.3 "Camera"
cordova-plugin-compat 1.2.0 "Compat"
cordova-plugin-console 1.1.0 "Console"
cordova-plugin-contacts 3.0.1 "Contacts"
cordova-plugin-device 2.0.2 "Device"
cordova-plugin-email-composer 0.8.15 "EmailComposer"
cordova-plugin-facebook4 3.1.0 "Facebook Connect"
cordova-plugin-file 6.0.1 "File"
cordova-plugin-geolocation 4.0.1 "Geolocation"
cordova-plugin-globalization 1.11.0 "Globalization"
cordova-plugin-googleplus 5.3.2 "Google SignIn"
cordova-plugin-ionic-keyboard 2.1.3 "cordova-plugin-ionic-keyboard"
cordova-plugin-ionic-webview 2.2.0 "cordova-plugin-ionic-webview"
cordova-plugin-linkedin 1.2.1 "LinkedIn"
cordova-plugin-mauron85-background-geolocation 2.3.6 "CDVBackgroundGeolocation"
cordova-plugin-media 5.0.2 "Media"
cordova-plugin-nativeaudio 3.0.9 "Cordova Native Audio"
cordova-plugin-nativegeocoder 3.1.2 "NativeGeocoder"
cordova-plugin-network-information 2.0.1 "Network Information"
cordova-plugin-splashscreen 5.0.2 "Splashscreen"
cordova-plugin-statusbar 2.4.2 "StatusBar"
cordova-plugin-streaming-media 2.2.0 "StreamingMedia"
cordova-plugin-whitelist 1.3.3 "Whitelist"
cordova-plugin-x-socialsharing 5.4.1 "SocialSharing"
cordova-sqlite-storage 2.5.0 "Cordova sqlite storage plugin"
es6-promise-plugin 4.2.2 "Promise"
ionic-plugin-keyboard 2.2.1 "Keyboard"
phonegap-plugin-barcodescanner 8.0.0 "BarcodeScanner"
phonegap-plugin-push 2.1.2 "PushPlugin"
twitter-connect-plugin 0.6.0 "Twitter Connect"

Любое слово, чтобы помочь мне решить эту проблему?

Редактировать 1:

01-15 13:25:28.461 27227-27227/ E/Zygote: v2
01-15 13:25:28.471 27227-27227/ E/Zygote: accessInfo : 0
01-15 13:25:28.671 20699-26051/? E/AudioRecord-JNI: Error -4 during AudioRecord native read
01-15 13:25:28.721 13572-13572/? E/audio_hw_primary: stop_voice_note_recording
01-15 13:25:28.721 13572-13572/? E/audio_hw_primary: adev_close_input_stream, set jack_in to null
01-15 13:25:29.581 27227-27283/ E/libEGL: validate_display:255 error 3008 (EGL_BAD_DISPLAY)
01-15 13:25:29.881 27227-27300/ E/File: fail readDirectory() errno=2
01-15 13:25:37.551 27371-27371/? E/Zygote: v2
01-15 13:25:37.561 27371-27371/? E/Zygote: accessInfo : 0
01-15 13:25:43.751 27371-27431/? E/GmsUtils: Failed to connect to Google API client: ConnectionResult{statusCode=API_UNAVAILABLE, resolution=null, message=null}
01-15 13:25:55.091 855-1675/? E/Watchdog: !@Sync 3530 [01-15 13:25:55.101]
01-15 13:26:09.811 26204-26204/? E/MTPRx: started activity for popup
01-15 13:26:09.931 27227-27227/ E/ViewRootImpl: sendUserActionEvent() mView == null
01-15 13:26:09.991 26204-26204/? E/MTPUSBConnection: AlertDialog Mode is : TIMEOUT
01-15 13:26:12.321 335-410/? E/DataRouter: USB Interface is open with 0xa
01-15 13:26:12.321 26204-26309/? E/MTPRx: state from USB_STATE event DISCONNECTED
01-15 13:26:12.331 26204-26309/? E/MTPRx: stop observing and calling usbRemoved 
01-15 13:26:12.331 26204-26309/? E/MTPRx:  sendbooster is false!
    In usbRemoved Status bar enabled
01-15 13:26:12.341 26204-26204/? E/MTPRx: Read Error Came false
    Read Error Came so calling usbRemoved()
01-15 13:26:12.341 26204-26204/? E/MTPRx:  sendbooster is false!
    In usbRemoved Status bar enabled
01-15 13:26:12.351 26204-26309/? E/MtpMediaDBManager: updateMyfilesDB Count :0
01-15 13:26:12.361 26204-26309/? E/MTPRx: Sending Broadcast finish
01-15 13:26:12.371 26204-26204/? E/MtpMediaDBManager: updateMyfilesDB Count :0
01-15 13:26:12.421 26204-26204/? E/MTPRx: Sending Broadcast finish
01-15 13:26:12.441 26204-26204/? E/MtpService: onDestroy.
01-15 13:26:12.461 26204-26204/? E/MtpService: Unregister Mtp disable Receiver
    Receiver not registered:$1@bb3a597
    Unregister mtpEmergencyReceiver
    Receiver not registered:$2@1bbb384
    unregistering mtpUserPresentReceiver in UnregisterAllIntent
    Receiver not registered:$4@f789816
    unregistering mtpMediaReceiver in UnregisterAllIntent
    Receiver not registered:$3@68dd931
01-15 13:26:12.461 26204-26204/? E/MTPJNIInterface: noti = 3
01-15 13:26:12.531 855-1306/? E/InputDispatcher: channel ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed!
01-15 13:26:12.921 27522-27522/? E/Zygote: v2
01-15 13:26:12.921 27522-27522/? E/Zygote: accessInfo : 0
01-15 13:26:12.981 27522-27522/? E/MTPRx: In MtpReceiverandroid.hardware.usb.action.USB_STATE
01-15 13:26:12.991 27522-27522/? E/MTPRx: check value of boot_completed is1
01-15 13:26:13.011 27522-27522/? E/MTPRx: Sd-Card path/storage/94AB-108D
    Status for mount/Unmount :mounted
    SDcard is  available
01-15 13:26:13.011 27522-27522/? E/File: fail readDirectory() errno=2
01-15 13:26:13.011 27522-27522/? E/File: fail readDirectory() errno=2
01-15 13:26:13.011 27522-27522/? E/MTPRx: check booting is completed_sys.boot_completed
01-15 13:26:13.011 27522-27522/? E/MTPRx: Sd-Card path/storage/94AB-108D
01-15 13:26:13.021 27522-27522/? E/MTPRx: Status for mount/Unmount :mounted
    SDcard is  available
01-15 13:26:13.021 27522-27522/? E/MTPRx: Received USB_STATE with sdCardLaunch = 0
    mFirstTime: false
01-15 13:26:13.051 27522-27522/? E/MTPJNIInterface: Getting CryptionKey from JAVA
01-15 13:26:13.061 27522-27522/? E/MTPRx: currentUserId is 0
    mtpCurrentGlobalUserId is 0
    Start observing USB_STATE_MATCH 
    usbMode is 0210
01-15 13:26:13.071 855-2261/? E/ENGMODE: Failed to enable UD-Mode(lecagy)
    Failed to open token (-1)
    Failed to read token(-12)
    the req mode is not allowed (-12)
01-15 13:26:13.081 27522-27522/? E/MTPJNIInterface: noti = 12
01-15 13:26:13.081 27522-27522/? E/MTPRx: is_Privatemode is NOT 1
01-15 13:26:13.121 27522-27522/? E/MTPRx: Sending NORMAL_BOOT to stack
01-15 13:26:13.121 27522-27522/? E/MTPJNIInterface: noti = 17
01-15 13:26:13.131 27522-27522/? E/MTPRx: User is personal
    sending MTP_ICON_ENABLED to stack
    else part ... so first time!!!
01-15 13:26:13.131 27522-27522/? E/MTPPlaObsrvr: inside setContext()
     inside createplafiles
01-15 13:26:13.141 27522-27522/? E/MTPPlaObsrvr: playlist count is0
     inside try branch createplafiles
     inside deleteing plas createplafiles
01-15 13:26:13.151 27522-27522/? E/MTPPlaObsrvr: Inside registerContentObserver
01-15 13:26:13.151 27522-27522/? E/MtpAdbObserver: inside setContext()
    Inside registerContentObserver
01-15 13:26:13.151 27522-27522/? E/MtpService: onCreate.
    < MTP > Registering BroadCast receiver :::::
    Calling registerBroadCastuserPresentRec() 
    < MTP > Registering BroadCast receiver for USER Present:::::
01-15 13:26:13.161 27522-27522/? E/MtpService: < MTP > Registering BroadCast registerBroadCastPolicyRec :::::
    < MTP > Registering BroadCast registerBroadCastEmergencyRec :::::
01-15 13:26:13.171 27522-27522/? E/MTPJNIInterface: < MTP > Registering BroadCast receiver :::::
    < MTP > Registering BroadCast receiver :::::::
    noti = 10
01-15 13:26:13.171 27522-27541/? E/MtpService: handleMessage. msg= { when=0 what=0 arg1=1 obj=Intent { }$ServiceHandler }
01-15 13:26:13.171 27522-27522/? E/MTPRx: Checking the driver time out
01-15 13:26:13.171 27522-27522/? E/MTPJNIInterface: noti = 2
    event handler thread is created, so set the flag
01-15 13:26:13.171 27522-27522/? E/MTPRx: called native method
01-15 13:26:13.171 27522-27522/? E/MTPJNIInterface: setting Media scanner status0
    After setting Media scanner status0
01-15 13:26:13.171 27522-27522/? E/MtpService: onStartCommand.
01-15 13:26:13.171 27522-27544/? E/MTPJNIInterface: Getting media scanner status0
    DeviceName is Satan
01-15 13:26:13.201 27522-27541/? E/MtpService: handleMessage. msg= { when=-13ms what=0 arg1=2 obj=Intent { }$ServiceHandler }
01-15 13:26:13.221 3261-3261/? E/MtpServerJNI: could not open MTP driver, errno: 2
01-15 13:26:13.221 3261-3261/? E/MtpServerJNI: server is null in add_storage
01-15 13:26:13.221 3261-3261/? E/MtpServerJNI: server is null in add_storage
01-15 13:26:13.231 3261-3261/? E/MtpServerJNI: server is null in send_object_removed
01-15 13:26:13.231 3261-27547/? E/MtpServerJNI: server is null in run
    server is null in cleanup
01-15 13:26:13.421 27522-27544/? E/MTPJNIInterface: Status for mount/Unmount :mounted
    SDcard is  available
01-15 13:26:13.531 27522-27544/? E/MTPJNIInterface: Status for mount/Unmount :unknown
    SDcard is not available
    Status for mount/Unmount :unknown
    SDcard is not available
    Status for mount/Unmount :unknown
    SDcard is not available
01-15 13:26:13.551 27522-27544/? E/MTPJNIInterface: Status for mount/Unmount :mounted
    SDcard is  available
01-15 13:26:13.551 27522-27544/? E/SQLiteLog: (21) API call with NULL database connection pointer
    (21) misuse at line 107734 of [2ef4f3a5b1]
    (21) API call with NULL database connection pointer
    (21) misuse at line 102845 of [2ef4f3a5b1]
    (21) API call with NULL database connection pointer
    (21) misuse at line 102845 of [2ef4f3a5b1]
    (21) API call with NULL database connection pointer
    (21) misuse at line 107734 of [2ef4f3a5b1]
01-15 13:26:14.141 27522-27522/? E/MTPJNIInterface: In MTPJNIINterface onReceive:android.intent.action.MEDIA_SCANNER_FINISHED
01-15 13:26:15.151 27522-27522/? E/MTPJNIInterface: In MTPJNIINterface onReceive:android.intent.action.MEDIA_SCANNER_FINISHED
01-15 13:26:20.301 27583-27583/? E/Zygote: v2
01-15 13:26:20.301 27583-27583/? E/Zygote: accessInfo : 0
01-15 13:26:20.421 27583-27583/? E/SmartFaceServiceStarter: onCreate
    Starting SmartFaceService.
01-15 13:26:20.441 27583-27583/? E/SmartFaceService: SmartFaceService constructor for user: 0
01-15 13:26:20.511 27583-27583/? E/SmartFaceService: mActiveServiceType: 100
    mScrollEnabled:false mPauseEnabled:false mStayEnabled:true mRotationEnabled:false, (false,true)
01-15 13:26:20.511 27583-27583/? E/Logger: New Logger Instance
01-15 13:26:20.511 27583-27583/? E/SmartFaceService: mLightIntensityEnough: true mLux: 0.0
01-15 13:26:20.511 27583-27583/? E/SmartFaceService: Service Type to Worker: 0
    Last Active clients:0 Current Active clients: 0
    Last Smart Pause clients: 0 Current Smart Pause clients: 0
01-15 13:26:20.531 27583-27583/? E/SmartFaceService: from registerCoverManager -> mClearCoverOpened: true
    SmartFaceService constructor done
01-15 13:26:20.531 27583-27595/? E/SmartFaceService: Update service state according to cover state: true
01-15 13:26:20.531 27583-27583/? E/SmartFaceServiceStarter: onStartCommand done
01-15 13:26:20.531 27583-27595/? E/SmartFaceService: mActiveServiceType: 100
    mLightIntensityEnough: true mLux: 0.0
01-15 13:26:20.531 27583-27595/? E/SmartFaceService: Service Type to Worker: 0
    Last Active clients:0 Current Active clients: 0
    Last Smart Pause clients: 0 Current Smart Pause clients: 0
01-15 13:26:20.531 27583-27583/? E/SmartFaceService: SmartFaceService Started.
01-15 13:26:22.511 855-1809/? E/Sensors: Pressure old sensor_state 8705, new sensor_state : 8737 en : 1
01-15 13:26:22.551 855-2261/? E/Sensors: Pressure old sensor_state 8737, new sensor_state : 8705 en : 0
01-15 13:26:25.091 855-1675/? E/Watchdog: !@Sync 3531 [01-15 13:26:25.103]

1 Ответ

0 голосов
/ 15 января 2019

Попробуйте ниже вещей.

  • Проверьте, подключены ли вы к Интернету.
  • Проверьте, есть ли у вашего приложения разрешение на доступ в Интернет. (AndroidManifest.xml)
  • Проверьте, правильно ли вы указали haskey для приложения. (В интеграции с Facebook)
  • Проверьте, правильно ли вы указали идентификатор приложения Facebook
  • Проверьте, работает ли ваше приложение на портале для разработчиков в Facebook.
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