У меня проблема с генерацией мира для последнего предиката, хотя подписей более 3, отображается только 3.
Что мне не хватает?
Нужно ли указывать что-то в pred show(){}
Нужно ли запускать предикат, обеспечивающий определенное количество объектов?
open util/boolean
// Signatures
abstract sig Sensor {
available: one Bool
sig HeartRateSensor extends Sensor{}
sig BloodPressureSensor extends Sensor{}
sig SleepMonitoringSensor extends Sensor{}
sig Smartwatch {
user: one User,
sensors: set Sensor,
compatible: one Bool
} {
// Must have at least 3 different sensors:
// HeartRateSensor, BloodPressureSensor, SleepMonitoringSensor
all disj s, s', s'': Sensor {
((s in sensors && s' in sensors && s'' in sensors) &&
(s != s' && s' != s'' && s != s'') &&
( s.available = True && s'.available = True && s''.available = True)) <=> compatible = True
abstract sig Customer {
username: lone String,
password: lone String,
canRegister: one Bool,
isRegistered: one Bool
} {
isRegistered = True => canRegister = True
canRegister = False => isRegistered = False
#username = 0 || #password = 0 => canRegister = False
sig User extends Customer {
fiscalCodeOrSSN: lone String,
smartwatch: one Smartwatch,
notifications: set Notification,
acceptsDataRequestFrom: set Company
} {
(#fiscalCodeOrSSN = 0 || smartwatch.compatible = False) => canRegister = False
sig Company extends Customer {
paymentMethod: lone String,
queries: set Query
} {
#paymentMethod = 0 => canRegister = False
isRegistered = False => #queries = 0
abstract sig Query {
company: one Company
sig AnonQuery extends Query {
people: set User,
isValid: one Bool
} {
isValid = True <=> #people >= 5
sig IndividualQuery extends Query {
person: one User,
userAccepts: lone Bool, // lone cause if #userAccepts = 0 it must mean that a notification had been received by the user
} {
all u: User {
u = person => userAccepts = True else #userAccepts = 0 && #person.notifications > 0
sig Notification {
user: one User,
company: one Company
// Facts: Consistency
fact UsernameConsistency {
// There are no 2 Customer(s) with the same username
all disj c, c': Customer | c.username != c'.username
fact FiscalCodeOrSSNConsistency {
// There are no 2 User(s) with the same fiscalCodeOrSSN
all disj u, u': User | u.fiscalCodeOrSSN != u'.fiscalCodeOrSSN
fact SmartWatchConsistency {
// Let's suppose, wlog, that the cardinality of the relation
// between smartwatch and user is 1 to 1
all s: Smartwatch, u: User | s.user = u <=> u.smartwatch = s
fact QueryConsistency {
// If a query has been made by a company
// it must be in the set of all the queries
// made by the company
all q: Query, c: Company | q.company = c <=> q in c.queries
fact NotificationConsistency {
// If a notification has been sent to a user
// the user must have it in the set of
// all notifications
all n: Notification, u: User | n.user = u <=> n in u.notifications
// Assertions
// Goal G2: The system should allow users to register by providing his
// Fiscal Code or his Social Security Number, an username and a password.
assert UserCanRegister {
all u: User {
#u.username = 1 &&
#u.password = 1 &&
#u.fiscalCodeOrSSN = 1 &&
u.isRegistered = False &&
u.(smartwatch.compatible) = True
) => u.canRegister = True
check UserCanRegister for 5
// Goal G3: The system should allow companies to register
assert CompaniesCanRegister {
all c: Company {
#c.username = 1 &&
#c.password = 1 &&
#c.paymentMethod = 1
) => c.canRegister = True
check CompaniesCanRegister for 5
// Goal G4: The system should allow registered companies to request data
// from an anonymized group of individuals, only if individuals in the
// group are more than 1000.
assert CompaniesCanMakeAnonimizedQueries {
all c: Company, q: AnonQuery{
c.isRegistered = True &&
#queries > 0 &&
#q.people >= 5
) => q.isValid = True && q in c.queries
check CompaniesCanMakeAnonimizedQueries for 5
// Goal G5: The system should allow registered companies to request data
// from an individual person, only if individuals accept the request.
assert CompaniesCanMakeIndividualQueries {
// If a company requests data from a single person
// either
// the person accepts <=> company is in the person acceptance list
// or
// the person still hasn't accepted => there's a notification concerning the company and the user in the person notification list
all q: IndividualQuery, c: Company, n: Notification {
(q.company = c) &&
(q.userAccepts = True <=> c in q.(person.acceptsDataRequestFrom)) ||
(#q.userAccepts = 0 => (
n.user = q.person &&
n.company = c &&
n in q.(person.notifications)
check CompaniesCanMakeAnonimizedQueries for 5
pred show(){}
run show for 10