Я получу номер строки, если элементы отсортированы?
Этот запрос отлично работает
SELECT @rank:=@rank+1 AS rank,pts from(
SUM(points) AS pts,
@rank:=@rank+1 AS rank,
count(users_games.user_id) AS CountGame,
(SELECT count(user_id) FROM users_games WHERE points=3 AND user_id=users.id ) AS win,
(SELECT count(user_id) FROM users_games WHERE points=0 AND user_id=users.id ) AS los,
(SELECT count(user_id) FROM users_games WHERE points=1 AND user_id=users.id ) AS draw
FROM users_games,users
WHERE users_games.user_id=users.id
AND score_home IS NOT NULL
AND score_away IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY users.id
ORDER BY pts DESC,win DESC,draw DESC,CountGame DESC
) t1, (SELECT @rank:=0) t2
но я хочу использовать его с Query Builder следующим образом:
$result= DB::table('users_games')
DB::raw('SUM(points) as pts'),
DB::raw('count(users_games.user_id) as CountGame'),
DB::raw('(select count(user_id) from users_games where points=3 and user_id=users.id) as win'),
DB::raw('(select count(user_id) from users_games where points=0 and user_id=users.id) as los'),
DB::raw('(select count(user_id) from users_games where points=1 and user_id=users.id) as draw'))
Я гуглил и нашел эту функцию mergeBindings (), и мой запрос теперь выглядит так, но не работает:
$sub= DB::table('users_games')
DB::raw('SUM(points) as pts'),
DB::raw('count(users_games.user_id) as CountGame'),
DB::raw('(select count(user_id) from users_games where points=3 and user_id=users.id) as win'),
DB::raw('(select count(user_id) from users_games where points=0 and user_id=users.id) as los'),
DB::raw('(select count(user_id) from users_games where points=1 and user_id=users.id) as draw'))
$result=DB::table( DB::raw("({$sub->toSql()}) as sub") )
->select(DB::raw('@rank:=@rank+1 AS rank'),'pts')
как я могу решить эту проблему?