Карусель искажается при смене - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 06 мая 2018

Когда мой ползунок карусели «переключается», возникает небольшое «искажение», что мне делать, чтобы избавиться от него, пожалуйста?

В основном желаемый эффект - сохранять плавность при переходе к следующему слайду, точно знайте, что он прыгает


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      <h4>We have a very unusal computer program which had some very unusal problems that were not in the program manual. Ravi rose to the challenge and has very good problem solving abilities. Ravi is also very good at explaining things in plain English and I recommend writing down what is explained. People are welcome to contact us for anymore information.</h4>
      <h2>Bruce & Bev A. - Sunnyhills,Auckland</h2>
    <div class="carousel-item">
      <h4>PC Handyman is a business I use regualrily to assist me with my office needs, from building my business website to help in seting up all my IT equipment for my small office, he is patient, thorough and is a please to work with</h4>
      <h2>Craig M. Data Analytics NZ</h2>
    <div class="carousel-item">
      <h4>As I am an elderly person, I often need help with setting up and a bit of training with my computer and phone, PC handyman are always punctual and have an ability to explain tech matters in a simple and non technical way!</h4>
      <h2>Wendy E. Howick</h2>
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Ответы [ 3 ]

0 голосов
/ 06 мая 2018


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      <h4>We have a very unusal computer program which had some very unusal problems that were not in the program manual. Ravi rose to the challenge and has very good problem solving abilities. Ravi is also very good at explaining things in plain English
        and I recommend writing down what is explained. People are welcome to contact us for anymore information.</h4>
      <h2>Bruce & Bev A. - Sunnyhills,Auckland</h2>
    <div class="carousel-item">
      <h4>PC Handyman is a business I use regualrily to assist me with my office needs, from building my business website to help in seting up all my IT equipment for my small office, he is patient, thorough and is a please to work with</h4>
      <h2>Craig M. Data Analytics NZ</h2>
    <div class="carousel-item">
      <h4>As I am an elderly person, I often need help with setting up and a bit of training with my computer and phone, PC handyman are always punctual and have an ability to explain tech matters in a simple and non technical way!</h4>
      <h2>Wendy E. Howick</h2>
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        <p>PC Handyman NZ - Small business / Home office IT solutions</p>
        <p class="h6">&copy All right Reversed.<a class="text-green ml-2" href="https://www.sunlimetech.com" target="_blank">PC Handyman 2018</a></p>


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0 голосов
/ 06 мая 2018

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      <h4>We have a very unusal computer program which had some very unusal problems that were not in the program manual. Ravi rose to the challenge and has very good problem solving abilities. Ravi is also very good at explaining things in plain English
        and I recommend writing down what is explained. People are welcome to contact us for anymore information.</h4>
      <h2>Bruce & Bev A. - Sunnyhills,Auckland</h2>
    <div class="carousel-item">
      <h4>PC Handyman is a business I use regualrily to assist me with my office needs, from building my business website to help in seting up all my IT equipment for my small office, he is patient, thorough and is a please to work with</h4>
      <h2>Craig M. Data Analytics NZ</h2>
    <div class="carousel-item">
      <h4>As I am an elderly person, I often need help with setting up and a bit of training with my computer and phone, PC handyman are always punctual and have an ability to explain tech matters in a simple and non technical way!</h4>
      <h2>Wendy E. Howick</h2>
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        <p>PC Handyman NZ - Small business / Home office IT solutions</p>
        <p class="h6">&copy All right Reversed.<a class="text-green ml-2" href="https://www.sunlimetech.com" target="_blank">PC Handyman 2018</a></p>


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/ 06 мая 2018

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