Хотя это, возможно, и не самое надежное решение, это было то, что я придумал ...
#Merge two lists
df_new = df.merge(df1,how='outer',on='Name')
#logic to make sure the sum is between the current date and after the previous date
count = 0
temp_list = []
while count != len(df_new):
names = df_new.Name[count]
find = df_new[['Name','Ad Number','Ad Date_x','Ad Date_y','Payments']] [(df_new['Name'] == names)]
find['new_col'] = np.where(find['Ad Date_y']<=find['Ad Date_x'], 'yes', 'no')
x = find.sort_values('Ad Date_y')
x = x[x.new_col == 'yes']
x = x.drop_duplicates('Ad Date_y')
x = x.groupby(['Name','Ad Number','Ad Date_x'],as_index=False)['Payments'].sum()
intermediate_list = x.values.tolist()
count += 1
#Traversing through list of lists and appending to final list to make another df
final_list = []
for i in temp_list:
for j in i:
#create final df and drop duplicates and drop the Ad_Date Columns
final_df = pd.DataFrame(final_list, columns = ['Name','Ad_Number','Ad_Date','Payments'])
final_df = final_df.drop_duplicates(['Name','Ad_Number','Ad_Date','Payments'])
final_df = final_df.drop('Ad_Date',axis=1)
Name Ad_Number Payments
Michael 1 100
Tony 1 200
Alex 1 300
Alex 2 800
Vanessa 1 500