При попытке установить Liferay-7 с базой данных MySQL-8, командная строка застревает из-за ошибки ниже и установка не завершается
2018-07-06 12:41:15.163 INFO [main][ReleaseLocalServiceImpl:130] Create tables and populate with default data
2018-07-06 12:41:40.559 WARN [main][BaseDB:484] You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'system tinyint,_ maxUsers integer,_ active_ tinyint_) engine InnoDB' at line 10: create table Company (_ mvccVersion bigint default 0 not null,_ companyId bigint not null primary key,_ accountId bigint,_ webId varchar(75) null,_ key_ longtext null,_ mx varchar(200) null,_ homeURL longtext null,_ logoId bigint,_ system tinyint,_ maxUsers integer,_ active_ tinyint_) engine InnoDB;_ [Sanitized]