df <- data.frame(a = 1:10, b = 21:30, c = 5:-4, d = 10)
for (i in (2:nrow(df))) {
df[i, "c"] <- df[i - 1, "c"] - df[i - 1, "b"]
df[i, "d"] <- df[i, "c"] - df[i - 1, "d"]
df[1:3, ]
a b c d
1 1 21 5 10
2 2 22 -16 -26
3 3 23 -38 -12
Редактировать: адаптируясь к вашему комментарию
# Let's define the coefficients of the equations into a dataframe
equation1 <- c("c", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 1, 0) # c (from previous row) - b(from previous row)
equation2 <- c("d", 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1) # d is calculated as 'c' from R2 - d from previous row
equations <- data.frame(rbind(equation1,equation2), stringsAsFactors = F)
names(equations) <- c("y","a","b","c","d","a_previous","b_previous","c_previous","d_previous")
# y a b c d a_previous b_previous c_previous d_previous
# "c" 0 0 0 0 0 -1 1 0
# "d" 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 -1
# define function to mutiply the rows of the dataframes
sumProd <- function(vect1, vect2) {
return(as.numeric(as.numeric(vect1) %*% as.numeric(vect2)))
# Apply the formulas to the originaldataframe
for (i in (2:nrow(df))) {
for(e in 1:nrow(equations)) {
df[i, equations[e, 'y']] <- sumProd(equations[e, c('a','b','c','d')], df[i, c('a','b','c','d')]) +
sumProd(equations[e, paste0(c('a','b','c','d'),'_previous')], df[i - 1, c('a','b','c','d')])
a b c d
1 1 21 5 10
2 2 22 -16 -26
3 3 23 -38 -12