Библиотека Numpy предоставляет функцию reshape (), которая делает именно то, что вы ищете.
from numpy import * #import numpy, you can install it with pip
n = int(input("Enter number of rows: ")) #Ask for your input, edit this as desired.
m = int(input("Enter number of columns: "))
x = range(1, n*m+1) #You want the range to start from 1, so you pass that as first argument.
x = reshape(x,(n,m)) #call reshape function from numpy
print(x) #finally show it on screen
Если вы не хотите использовать numpy, как указывалось в комментариях, вот еще один способ решить проблему без каких-либо библиотек.
n = int(input("Enter number of rows: ")) #Ask for your input, edit this as desired.
m = int(input("Enter number of columns: "))
x = 1 #You want the range to start from 1
list_of_lists = [] #create a lists to store your columns
for row in range(n):
inner_list = [] #create the column
for col in range(m):
inner_list.append(x) #add the x element and increase its value
list_of_lists.append(inner_list) #add it
for internalList in list_of_lists: #this is just formatting.