Я хочу отделить событие от группы событий, заданных данными
{"type": "A", "k1": "v1"}
{"type": "B", "k2": "v2"}
{"type": "C", "k3": "v3"}
И я хочу разделить type: A
события для таблицы A
в большом запросе, type:B
события для таблицы B
, type: C
события для таблицы C
Вот мои коды, реализованные через apache beam
Python SDK и записи данных в bigquery
A_schema = 'type:string, k1:string'
B_schema = 'type:string, k2:string'
C_schema = 'type:string, k2:string'
class ParseJsonDoFn(beam.DoFn):
A_TYPE = 'tag_A'
B_TYPE = 'tag_B'
C_TYPE = 'tag_C'
def process(self, element):
text_line = element.trip()
data = json.loads(text_line)
if data['type'] == 'A':
yield pvalue.TaggedOutput(self.A_TYPE, data)
elif data['type'] == 'B':
yield pvalue.TaggedOutput(self.B_TYPE, data)
elif data['type'] == 'C':
yield pvalue.TaggedOutput(self.C_TYPE, data)
def run():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
help='Input file to process.')
known_args, pipeline_args = parser.parse_known_args(argv)
pipeline_options = PipelineOptions(pipeline_args)
pipeline_options.view_as(SetupOptions).save_main_session = True
with beam.Pipeline(options=pipeline_options) as p:
lines = p | ReadFromText(known_args.input)
multiple_lines = (
| 'ParseJSON' >> (beam.ParDo(ParseJsonDoFn()).with_outputs(
a_line = multiple_lines.tag_A
b_line = multiple_lines.tag_B
c_line = multiple_lines.tag_C
| "output_a" >> beam.io.WriteToBigQuery(
schema = A_schema,
write_disposition = beam.io.BigQueryDisposition.WRITE_TRUNCATE,
create_disposition = beam.io.BigQueryDisposition.CREATE_IF_NEEDED
| "output_b" >> beam.io.WriteToBigQuery(
schema = B_schema,
write_disposition = beam.io.BigQueryDisposition.WRITE_TRUNCATE,
create_disposition = beam.io.BigQueryDisposition.CREATE_IF_NEEDED
| "output_c" >> beam.io.WriteToBigQuery(
schema = (C_schema),
write_disposition = beam.io.BigQueryDisposition.WRITE_TRUNCATE,
create_disposition = beam.io.BigQueryDisposition.CREATE_IF_NEEDED
INFO:root:start <DoOperation output_banner/WriteToBigQuery output_tags=['out']>
INFO:oauth2client.transport:Attempting refresh to obtain initial access_token
INFO:oauth2client.client:Refreshing access_token
WARNING:root:Sleeping for 150 seconds before the write as BigQuery inserts can be routed to deleted table for 2 mins after the delete and create.
INFO:root:start <DoOperation output_banner/WriteToBigQuery output_tags=['out']>
INFO:oauth2client.transport:Attempting refresh to obtain initial access_token
INFO:oauth2client.client:Refreshing access_token
WARNING:root:Sleeping for 150 seconds before the write as BigQuery inserts can be routed to deleted table for 2 mins after the delete and create.
INFO:root:start <DoOperation output_banner/WriteToBigQuery output_tags=['out']>
INFO:oauth2client.transport:Attempting refresh to obtain initial access_token
INFO:oauth2client.client:Refreshing access_token
WARNING:root:Sleeping for 150 seconds before the write as BigQuery inserts can be routed to deleted table for 2 mins after the delete and create.
Однако здесь есть две проблемы
- нет данных в
- Из журналов кажется, что коды НЕ работают параллельно, а не запускаются 3 раза подряд?
Что-то не так в моих кодах или я что-то упускаю?