Я не могу установить JRE в Windows 2016, используя Chocolatey.
Выдает код выхода 1603.
JR загружается. Проблема возникает во время установки JRE.
Следующий журнал:
[server-core-2016] [0;32m openstack: Progress: Downloading jre8 8.0.171... 100% [0m
[server-core-2016] [0;32m openstack: Progress: Downloading javaruntime 8.0.151... 100% [0m
[server-core-2016] [0;32m openstack: [0m
[server-core-2016] [0;32m openstack: jre8 v8.0.171 [Approved] [0m
[server-core-2016] [0;32m openstack: jre8 package files install completed. Performing other installation steps. [0m
[server-core-2016] [0;32m openstack: Searching if new version exists... [0m
[server-core-2016] [0;32m openstack: Downloading jre8 [0m
[server-core-2016] [0;32m openstack: from 'https://javadl.oracle.com/webapps/download/AutoDL?BundleId=233170_512cd62ec5174c3487ac17c61aaa89e8' [0m
[server-core-2016] [0;32m openstack: Progress: 100% - Completed download of C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\chocolatey\jre8\8.0.171\jre8Install.exe (61.66 MB). [0m
[server-core-2016] [0;32m openstack: Download of jre8Install.exe (61.66 MB) completed. [0m
[server-core-2016] [0;32m openstack: Hashes match. [0m
[server-core-2016] [0;32m openstack: Installing jre8... [0m
[server-core-2016] [0;32m openstack: WARNING: Generic MSI Error. This is a local environment error, not an issue with a package or the MSI itself - it could mean a pending reboot is necessary prior to install or something else (like the same version is already installed). Please see MSI log if available. If not, try again adding '--install-arguments="'/l*v c:\jre8_msi_install.log'"'. Then search the MSI Log for "Return Value 3" and look above that for the error. [0m
[server-core-2016] [0;32m openstack: ERROR: Running ["C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\chocolatey\jre8\8.0.171\jre8Install.exe" /s REBOOT=0 SPONSORS=0 AUTO_UPDATE=0 ] was not successful. Exit code was '1603'. Exit code indicates the following: Generic MSI Error. This is a local environment error, not an issue with a package or the MSI itself - it could mean a pending reboot is necessary prior to install or something else (like the same version is already installed). Please see MSI log if available. If not, try again adding '--install-arguments="'/l*v c:\jre8_msi_install.log'"'. Then search the MSI Log for "Return Value 3" and look above that for the error.. [0m
[server-core-2016] [0;32m openstack: Environment Vars (like PATH) have changed. Close/reopen your shell to [0m
[server-core-2016] [0;32m openstack: see the changes (or in powershell/cmd.exe just type `refreshenv`). [0m
[server-core-2016] [0;32m openstack: The install of jre8 was NOT successful. [0m
[server-core-2016] [0;32m openstack: Error while running 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\jre8\tools\chocolateyInstall.ps1'.