Эти подпрограммы (vb.net) позволяют создавать дамп сетки в CSV, даже если в ячейках есть шаблонные элементы управления. Это работает, но я не в восторге от этого.
Какие улучшения я должен сделать и почему?
Private Shared Function CsvFormatted(ByVal t As String) As String
If t.Contains(",") Then
t = """" + t + """"
End If
Return t.Replace("\ ", "")
End Function
Private Shared Function GetCellText(ByVal cell As DataControlFieldCell) As String
If cell.Controls.Count = 0 Then
Return CsvFormatted(cell.Text)
For Each current In cell.Controls
If TypeOf current Is Label Then
Return CsvFormatted(TryCast(current, Label).Text)
ElseIf TypeOf current Is TextBox Then
Return CsvFormatted(TryCast(current, TextBox).Text)
ElseIf TypeOf current Is LinkButton Then
Return CsvFormatted(TryCast(current, LinkButton).Text)
ElseIf TypeOf current Is ImageButton Then
Return CsvFormatted(TryCast(current, ImageButton).AlternateText)
ElseIf TypeOf current Is HyperLink Then
Return CsvFormatted(TryCast(current, HyperLink).Text)
ElseIf TypeOf current Is DropDownList Then
Return CsvFormatted(TryCast(current, DropDownList).SelectedItem.Text)
ElseIf TypeOf current Is CheckBox Then
Return CsvFormatted(If(TryCast(current, CheckBox).Checked, "True", "False"))
End If
End If
Return ""
End Function
Public Shared Sub ExportGridViewToCSV(ByVal grid As GridView, ByVal fileName As String)
HttpContext.Current.Response.Buffer = True
HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=" + fileName)
HttpContext.Current.Response.Charset = ""
HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = "application/text"
Dim sb As New StringBuilder()
For k As Integer = 0 To grid.Columns.Count - 1
grid.Columns(k).Visible = True
'add separator
sb.Append(grid.Columns(k).HeaderText + ","c)
'append new line
sb.Append(vbCr & vbLf)
For i As Integer = 0 To grid.Rows.Count - 1
For k As Integer = 0 To grid.Columns.Count - 1
grid.Columns(k).Visible = True
'add separator
sb.Append(GetCellText(grid.Rows(i).Cells(k)) + ","c)
'append new line
sb.Append(vbCr & vbLf)
End Sub