Я написал атрибут клиента, который зависит от другого свойства. Я должен сделать модульный тест, но метод защищен. Как я могу проверить это?
public class PWCustomerAttribute : ValidationAttribute
public string name;
public string prename;
public string emaill;
public PWCustomerAttribute(string nom, string prenom, string email) : base() {
name = nom;
prename = prenom;
emaill = email;
protected override ValidationResult IsValid(object value, ValidationContext validationContext)
if (value != null)
var property = validationContext.ObjectType.GetProperty(name);
if (property == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Property with this name not found"); }
var nameV = (string)property.GetValue(validationContext.ObjectInstance);
property = validationContext.ObjectType.GetProperty(prename);
if (property == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Property with this name not found"); }
var prenameV = (string)property.GetValue(validationContext.ObjectInstance);
property = validationContext.ObjectType.GetProperty(emaill);
if (property == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Property with this name not found"); }
var emaillV = (string)property.GetValue(validationContext.ObjectInstance);
string chaine = value.ToString();
foreach (string s in ChainAValider(chaine)) {
if (nameV.Contains(s)||prenameV.Contains(s)|| emaillV.Contains(s))
var msgErreur = FormatErrorMessage(validationContext.DisplayName);
return new ValidationResult(msgErreur);
return ValidationResult.Success;
Мой тест:
public void AttibuteTest()
string firstName = "Yaaaaaa";
string lastname = "Donald";
string Email = "a@a.com";
var value = "1!Yaaaaaa";
var context = new ValidationContext(value);
var attrib = new PWCustomerAttribute(firstName, lastname, Email);
var results = new List<ValidationResult>();
var result = attrib.IsValid(value, context);//, context);