Не удалось собрать tenorflow 1.4 от bazel в Ubuntu 16.04LTS - PullRequest
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/ 08 мая 2018


  • Ubuntu 16.04LTS
  • TensorFlow 1.4.0
  • Базель 0,5,4
  • cuda 8.0
  • cudnn 6.0

Когда я строю тензор потока в указанных выше условиях как https://www.tensorflow.org/install/install_sources,, возникают такие ошибки:

ERROR: /home/.cache/bazel/_bazel/978efb9ded2e9e03d9ec3f33c5686099/external/local_config_cuda/cuda/BUILD:196:1: @local_config_cuda//cuda:cuda-include: illegal output file name 'cuda/include/ï¼' in rule @local_config_cuda//cuda:cuda-include: invalid target name 'cuda/include/ï¼': target names may not contain '�'.
ERROR: /home/.cache/bazel/_bazel/978efb9ded2e9e03d9ec3f33c5686099/external/local_config_cuda/cuda/BUILD:196:1: @local_config_cuda//cuda:cuda-include: missing value for mandatory attribute 'outs' in 'genrule' rule.
ERROR: /home/tensorflow/tensorflow/python/BUILD:1334:1: Target '@local_config_cuda//cuda:using_clang' contains an error and its package is in error and referenced by '//tensorflow/python:gen_random_ops_py_wrappers_cc'.
ERROR: /home/tensorflow/tensorflow/python/BUILD:1334:1: Target '@local_config_cuda//cuda:using_nvcc' contains an error and its package is in error and referenced by '//tensorflow/python:gen_random_ops_py_wrappers_cc'.
ERROR: Analysis of target '//tensorflow/tools/pip_package:build_pip_package' failed; build aborted.
INFO: Elapsed time: 1.472s

Может кто-нибудь решить это?
