Я пытаюсь настроить API доставки UPS в opencart и получаю сообщение об ошибке 250003 Номер недействительного доступа. Я скачал комплект для разработки доставки UPS с официального сайта UPS. Я заглянул на форумы и обнаружил, что проблема связана с полномочиями. Я восстановил ключ доступа и все еще получаю ту же ошибку.
Я создал файл контроллера и вот мой код:
<code> class ControllerSaleUpsShipping extends Controller {
private $access = "my_access_key";
private $userid = "my_account_username";
private $passwd = "my_account_password";
private $wsdl = HTTPS_UPS."Ship.wsdl"; // HTTPS_UPS this is the https url to the UPS folder where all schemas file are placed.
private $operation = "ProcessShipment";
private $endpointurl = 'https://wwwcie.ups.com/webservices/Ship';
//private $endpointurl = https://onlinetools.ups.com/webservices/Ship //production URL
private $outputFileName = DIR_UPS."XOLTResult.xml"; // DIR_UPS this is the absolute path to the UPS folder where all schemas file are placed.
public function index()
$opts = array(
'http' => array(
'user_agent' => 'PHPSoapClient'
$context = stream_context_create($opts);
$mode = array
'soap_version' => 'SOAP_1_1', // use soap 1.1 client
'trace' => 1,
'stream_context' => $context
// initialize soap client
$client = new SoapClient($this->wsdl , $mode);
//set endpoint url
//create soap header
$usernameToken['Username'] = $this->userid;
$usernameToken['Password'] = $this->passwd;
$serviceAccessLicense['AccessLicenseNumber'] = $this->access;
$upss['UsernameToken'] = $this->usernameToken;
$upss['ServiceAccessToken'] = $this->serviceAccessLicense;
$header = new SoapHeader('http://www.ups.com/XMLSchema/XOLTWS/UPSS/v1.0','UPSSecurity',$upss);
if(strcmp($this->operation,"ProcessShipment") == 0 )
//get response
$resp = $client->__soapCall('ProcessShipment',array($this->processShipment()));
//get status
echo "Response Status: " . $resp->Response->ResponseStatus->Description ."\n";
//save soap request and response to file
echo $this->outputFileName."demo";
$fw = fopen($this->outputFileName , 'w');
fwrite($fw , "Request: \n" . $client->__getLastRequest() . "\n");
fwrite($fw , "Response: \n" . $client->__getLastResponse() . "\n");
else if (strcmp($this->operation , "ProcessShipConfirm") == 0)
//get response
$resp = $client->__soapCall('ProcessShipConfirm',array($this->processShipConfirm()));
//get status
echo "Response Status: " . $resp->Response->ResponseStatus->Description ."\n";
//save soap request and response to file
$fw = fopen($this->outputFileName , 'w');
fwrite($fw , "Request: \n" . $client->__getLastRequest() . "\n");
fwrite($fw , "Response: \n" . $client->__getLastResponse() . "\n");
$resp = $client->__soapCall('ProcessShipeAccept',array($this->processShipAccept()));
//get status
echo "Response Status: " . $resp->Response->ResponseStatus->Description ."\n";
//save soap request and response to file
$fw = fopen($this->outputFileName ,'w');
fwrite($fw , "Request: \n" . $client->__getLastRequest() . "\n");
fwrite($fw , "Response: \n" . $client->__getLastResponse() . "\n");
catch(Exception $ex)
echo "<pre>";print_r ($ex);echo "
публичная функция processShipment ()
$ This-> load-> модель ( 'продажа / заказ');
$ order_id = 394;
$ order_info = $ this-> model_sale_order-> getOrder ($ order_id);
$ products = $ this-> model_sale_order-> getOrderProducts ($ order_id);
// создаем запрос на мыло
$ requesttoption ['RequestOption'] = 'nonvalidate';
$ request ['Request'] = $ requesttoption;
$ shipment ['Description'] = '';
$ counter = 1;
foreach ($ products as $ row_product) {
$ shipment ['Description']. = $ row_product ['name'];
if ($ counter! = count ($ products))
$ shipment ['Description']. = ",";
$ counter = $ counter + 1;
$ shipper ['Name'] = 'name';
$ shipper ['AttentionName'] = 'имя внимания';
$ shipper ['TaxIdentificationNumber'] = 'my_tax_number';
$ shipper ['ShipperNumber'] = 'my_shipper_number';
$ address ['AddressLine'] = 'my_address';
$ address ['City'] = 'my_city';
$ address ['StateProvinceCode'] = 'CA';
$ address ['PostalCode'] = '90220';
$ address ['CountryCode'] = 'US';
$ shipper ['Address'] = $ address;
$ phone ['Number'] = 'my_number';
$ phone ['Extension'] = '1';
$ shipper ['Phone'] = $ phone;
$ shipment ['Shipper'] = $ shipper;
$ shipto ['Name'] = $ order_info ['shipping_firstname']. "". $ order_info ['shipping_lastname'];
$ shipto ['AttentionName'] = 'Имя';
$ addressTo ['AddressLine'] = $ order_info ['shipping_address_1'];
$ addressTo ['City'] = $ order_info ['shipping_city'];
$ addressTo ['PostalCode'] = $ order_info ['shipping_postcode'];
$ addressTo ['CountryCode'] = $ this-> getCountryCode ($ order_info ['shipping_country']);
$ phone2 ['Number'] = '';
$ shipto ['Address'] = $ addressTo;
$ shipto ['Phone'] = $ phone2;
$ shipment ['ShipTo'] = $ shipto;
$ shipfrom ['Name'] = 'my_company_name';
$ shipfrom ['AttentionName'] = 'my_AttentionName';
$ addressFrom ['AddressLine'] = 'my_Address';
$ addressFrom ['City'] = 'my_city';
$ addressFrom ['StateProvinceCode'] = 'CA';
$ addressFrom ['PostalCode'] = '90220';
$ addressFrom ['CountryCode'] = 'US';
$ phone3 ['Number'] = 'my_number';
$ shipfrom ['Address'] = $ addressFrom;
$ shipfrom ['Phone'] = $ phone3;
$ shipment ['ShipFrom'] = $ shipfrom;
$ shipmentcharge ['Type'] = '01';
$ billshipper ['AccountNumber'] = 'my_shipper_number';
$ shipmentcharge ['BillShipper'] = $ billshipper;
$ paymentinformation ['ShipmentCharge'] = $ shchargecharge;
$ shipment ['PaymentInformation'] = $ paymentinformation;
$ service ['Code'] = '08';
$ service ['Description'] = 'Ускоренный';
$ shipment ['Service'] = $ service;
$ internationalForm ['FormType'] = '01';
$ internationalForm ['InvoiceNumber'] = $ order_id;
$ internationalForm ['InvoiceDate'] = дата ("гггг"). дата ("мм"). дата ("дд");
$ internationalForm ['PurchaseOrderNumber'] = $ order_id;
$ internationalForm ['TermsOfShipment'] = 'CFR';
$ internationalForm ['ReasonForExport'] = 'Продажа';
if ($ order_info ['shipping_firstname'] == "")
$ customer_name = $ order_info ['payment_firstname']. "". $ order_info ['payment_lastname'];
$ customer_address = $ order_info ['payment_address_1'];
$ customer_city = $ order_info ['payment_city'];
$ customer_postcode = $ order_info ['payment_postcode'];$ customer_state = $ order_info ['payment_zone'];
$ customer_country = $ order_info ['payment_country'];
$ customer_name = $ order_info ['shipping_firstname']. "". $ order_info ['shipping_lastname'];
$ customer_address = $ order_info ['shipping_address_1'];
$ customer_city = $ order_info ['shipping_city'];
$ customer_postcode = $ order_info ['shipping_postcode'];
$ customer_state = $ order_info ['shipping_zone'];
$ customer_country = $ order_info ['shipping_country'];
$ shipto ['Name'] = $ customer_name;
$ shipto ['AttentionName'] = 'name';
$ addressTo ['AddressLine'] = $ customer_address;
$ addressTo ['City'] = $ customer_city;
$ addressTo ['StateProvinceCode'] = $ customer_state;
$ addressTo ['PostalCode'] = $ customer_postcode;
$ addressTo ['CountryCode'] = $ this-> getCountryCode ($ customer_country);
$ phone2 ['Number'] = '';
$ shipto ['Address'] = $ addressTo;
$ shipto ['Phone'] = $ phone2;
$ shipment ['ShipTo'] = $ shipto;
$ soldTo ['Option'] = '01';
$ soldTo ['AttentionName'] = $ customer_name;
$ soldTo ['Name'] = $ customer_name;
$ soldToPhone ['Number'] = $ order_info ['phone'];
$ soldTo ['Phone'] = $ soldToPhone;
$ soldToAddress ['AddressLine'] = $ customer_address;
$ soldToAddress ['City'] = $ customer_city;
$ soldToAddress ['StateProvinceCode'] = $ customer_state;
$ soldToAddress ['PostalCode'] = $ customer_postcode;
$ soldToAddress ['CountryCode'] = $ this-> getCountryCode ($ customer_country);
$ soldTo ['Address'] = $ soldToAddress;
$ contact ['SoldTo'] = $ soldTo;
$ internationalForm ['Contacts'] = $ contact;
$ product ['Description'] = $ shipment ['Description'];
$ product ['OriginCountryCode'] = 'US';
foreach ($ products as $ row_product) {
$ options = $ this-> model_sale_order-> getOrderOptions ($ order_id, $ row_product ['order_product_id']);
if (count ($ products)> 1)
$ unitProduct ['Number'. $ counter] = $ row_product ['количество'];
$ unitProduct ['Value'. $ counter] = $ row_product ['price'];
foreach ($ options как $ option) {
$ uom ['Code'. $ counter] = $ option ['sku'];
$ uom ['Description'. $ counter] = $ option ['sku'];
еще {
$ unitProduct ['Number'] = $ row_product ['number'];
$ unitProduct ['Value'] = $ row_product ['price'];
foreach ($ options как $ option) {
$ uom ['Code'] = $ option ['sku'];
$ uom ['Description'] = $ option ['sku'];
$ counter = $ counter + 1;
$ unitProduct ['UnitOfMeasurement'] = $ uom;
$ product ['Unit'] = $ unitProduct;
$ productWeight ['Weight'] = '3';
$ uomForWeight ['Code'] = 'LBS';
$ uomForWeight ['Description'] = 'LBS';
$ productWeight ['UnitOfMeasurement'] = $ uomForWeight;
$ product ['ProductWeight'] = $ productWeight;
$ internationalForm ['Product'] = $ product;
$ internationalForm ['CurrencyCode'] = 'USD';
$ shpServiceOptions ['InternationalForms'] = $ internationalForm;
$ shipment ['ShipmentServiceOptions'] = $ shpServiceOptions;
$ package ['Description'] = '';
$ Packaging ['Code'] = '02';
$ Packaging ['Description'] = 'Продукты';
$ package ['Packaging'] = $ packaging;
$ unit ['Code'] = 'IN';
$ unit ['Description'] = 'Дюймы';
$ sizes ['UnitOfMeasurement'] = $ unit;
$ sizes ['Length'] = '7';
$ sizes ['Width'] = '5';
$ sizes ['Height'] = '2';
$ package ['Dimensions'] = $ sizes;
$ unit2 ['Code'] = 'LBS';
$ unit2 ['Description'] = 'Фунты';
$ packageweight ['UnitOfMeasurement'] = $ unit2;$ packageweight ['Weight'] = '10';
$ package ['PackageWeight'] = $ packageweight;
$ shipment ['Package'] = $ package;
$ labelimageformat ['Code'] = 'GIF';
$ labelimageformat ['Description'] = 'GIF';
$ labelpecification ['LabelImageFormat'] = $ labelimageformat;
$ labelpecification ['HTTPUserAgent'] = 'Mozilla / 4.5';
$ shipment ['LabelSpecification'] = $ labelpecification;
$ request ['Shipment'] = $ shipment;
echo "Request ....... \ n";
// echo "
";print_r($request);echo "
эхо "\ n \ n";
вернуть $ запрос;
функция processShipConfirm ()
// создаем запрос на мыло
функция processShipAccept ()
// создаем запрос на мыло
/ ** Функция для получения двухзначного кода страны ** /
функция getCountryCode ($ страна)
$ country = ($ country == "Соединенные Штаты"? "Соединенные Штаты Америки": $ страна);
$ data = @file_get_contents ("
$ result = json_decode ($ data);
// echo "
";print_r($result);echo "
return $ result [0] -> alpha2Code;
Есть ли способ отладить проблему?
Заранее спасибо