Dim cht As Chart
Dim Xleft As Double, Ytop As Double
Xleft = cht.PlotArea.InsideLeft
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Sub DrawSmoothTransparentShapesOnRadarChart()
Dim cht As Chart
Set cht = Worksheets(1).ChartObjects(1)
Dim srs As Series
Dim iSrs As Long
Dim Npts As Integer, Ipts As Integer
Dim myShape As Shape
Dim Xnode As Double, Ynode As Double
Dim Rmax As Double, Rmin As Double
Dim Xleft As Double, Ytop As Double
Dim Xwidth As Double, Yheight As Double
Dim dPI As Double
Dim iFillColor As Long
Dim iLineColor As Long
Set cht = ActiveChart
Xleft = cht.PlotArea.InsideLeft
Xwidth = cht.PlotArea.InsideWidth
Ytop = cht.PlotArea.InsideTop
Yheight = cht.PlotArea.InsideHeight
Rmax = cht.Axes(2).MaximumScale
Rmin = cht.Axes(2).MinimumScale
dPI = WorksheetFunction.Pi()
For iSrs = 1 To cht.SeriesCollection.Count
Set srs = cht.SeriesCollection(iSrs)
Select Case srs.ChartType
Case xlRadar, xlRadarFilled, xlRadarMarkers
Npts = srs.Points.Count
Xnode = Xleft + Xwidth / 2 * _
(1 + (srs.Values(Npts) - Rmin) / (Rmax - Rmin) _
* Sin(2 * dPI * (Npts - 1) / Npts))
Ynode = Ytop + Yheight / 2 * _
(1 - (srs.Values(Npts) - Rmin) / (Rmax - Rmin) _
* Cos(2 * dPI * (Npts - 1) / Npts))
With cht.Shapes.BuildFreeform _
(msoEditingAuto, Xnode, Ynode)
For Ipts = 1 To Npts
Xnode = Xleft + Xwidth / 2 * _
(1 + (srs.Values(Ipts) - Rmin) / (Rmax - Rmin) _
* Sin(2 * dPI * (Ipts - 1) / Npts))
Ynode = Ytop + Yheight / 2 * _
(1 - (srs.Values(Ipts) - Rmin) / (Rmax - Rmin) _
* Cos(2 * dPI * (Ipts - 1) / Npts))
.AddNodes msoSegmentLine, msoEditingAuto, _
Xnode, Ynode
Set myShape = .ConvertToShape
End With
For Ipts = 1 To Npts
myShape.Nodes.SetEditingType 3 * Ipts - 2, msoEditingSmooth
Select Case iSrs
Case 1
iFillColor = 44
iLineColor = 12
Case 2
iFillColor = 45
iLineColor = 10
Case 3
iFillColor = 43
iLineColor = 17
End Select
With myShape
.Fill.ForeColor.SchemeColor = iFillColor
.Line.ForeColor.SchemeColor = iLineColor
.Line.Weight = 1.5
.Fill.Transparency = 0.5
End With
End Select
End Sub