Я пытаюсь получить текст ссылки из следующего кода, используя XPATH на основе текста: «Основные функции»
Я пробую разные версии этого:
//div[starts-with(., 'Key features')]/following-sibling::td/li
Но, похоже, не очень везет.
<div class="product-detail">
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<div class="sixteen wide tablet six wide computer column top aligned">
<div class="block__title"><img src="https://test.png" alt="Key features">
<div class="title">Key features</div>
<div class="sixteen wide tablet ten wide computer column top aligned">
<div class="block__content">
<table class="ui unstackable fixed table">
<tr class="one-column">
<li>10X Rewards (10 points or 4 Miles) for every S$1 spent on Shoes + Bags + Clothes at Online, Retail or Department stores, locally and overseas</li>
<li>Enjoy discounts of up to 50% at Foodpanda, Lazada, Zalora, Reebonz, and more</li>
<li>S$1 spent = 1 Rewards point (All other spend)</li>
<li>First year fee waived for Principal and two (2) Supplementary cards</li>