The diversity of the company or organization 7.640009
The financial performance or funding status of 6.673524
The industry that I’d be working in 6.397089
How widely used or impactful the product 6.057804
The specific department or team I’d be working on 5.906875
The opportunity to work from home/remotely 5.673181
The office environment or company culture 4.407196
Opportunities for professional development 4.225200
The specific department or team I’d be working on 4.065791
The compensation and benefits offered 3.953243
plt.subplots(figsize = (8, 6))
plt.title("Job Opportunity Aspects Rating", fontsize = 15)
sns.barplot(x = aspect_rank_df['Rating'], y = aspect_rank_df.index)
Это дает мне необходимую диаграмму, но показывает только подсказку на purple
баре, и я этого не хочу. Подскажите как remove
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