Я совершенно неопытен, но я пытаюсь построить Сеть кораблей соавторов и проанализировать ее в R.
Я мог бы построить сеть, но я хотел изменить визуализацию. Я нашел код на http://eiko -fried.com / create-your-сотрудник-network-in-r / и попытался объединить его с моим. Теперь он говорит:
«Предупреждение: игнорирование неизвестной эстетики: ярлык»
Может кто-нибудь, пожалуйста, просмотрите мой код и скажите мне, что не так. Я был бы очень благодарен за любую помощь!
# Concept (for a single publication)
str1 <- "Mueller, Meier, Max"
a <- strsplit(str1, ";")[[1]]
a <- trimws(a)
mta <- matrix(1, length(a), length(a))
colnames(mta) <- a
rownames(mta) <- a
diag(mta) <- 0
ga <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(mta, mode = "undirected")
# Apply to all publications
author_strings <- c("Adamovic, M.; Branger, F.; Braud, Isabelle; Kralisch, S.","Anagnostou, Marios N.; Kalogiros, John; Anagnostou, Emmanouil N.; Tarolli, Michele; Papadopoulos, Anastasios; Borga, Marco",
"Anquetin, Sandrine; Braud, Isabelle; Vannier, Olivier; Viallet, Pierre; Boudevillain, Brice; Creutin, Jean-Dominique; Manus, Claire",
"Bezak, Nejc; Šraj, Mojca; Mikoš, Matjaž",
"Biancamaria, Sylvain; Bates, Paul D.; Boone, Aaron; Mognard, Nelly M.",
"Blöschl, Günter; RESZLER, C.; KOMMA, J.",
"Bonnifait, Laurent; Delrieu, Guy; Le Lay, Matthieu; Boudevillain, Brice; Masson, Arielle; Belleudy, Philippe; Gaume, Eric; Saulnier, Georges-Marie",
"Borga, Marco; Boscolo, Paolo; Zanon, Francesco; Sangati, Marco",
"Borga, Marco; Gaume, Eric; Creutin, Jean-Dominique; Marchi, Lorenzo",
"Boudou, M.; Lang, M.; Vinet, F.; Cœur, D.", "Bout, B.; Jetten, V. G.","Braud, Isabelle; Roux, Hélène; Anquetin, Sandrine; Maubourguet, Marie-Madeleine; Manus, Claire; Viallet, Pierre; Dartus, Denis","Camarasa-Belmonte, Ana M.", "Collier, C. G.", "Dehotin, J.; Braud, Isabelle", "Douinot, Audrey; Roux, Hélène; Garambois, Pierre-André; Larnier, Kévin; Labat, David; Dartus, Denis",
"Estupina-Borrell, V.; Dartus, Denis; Ababou, R.", "Fares, Ali; Awal, Ripendra; Michaud, Jene; Chu, Pao-Shin; Fares, Samira; Kodama, Kevin; Rosener, Matt",
"Forestieri, A.; Caracciolo, D.; Arnone, E.; Noto, L. V.", "Garambois, Pierre-André; Roux, Hélène; Larnier, Kévin",
"Garambois, Pierre-André; Roux, Hélène; Larnier, Kévin; Labat, David; Dartus, Denis", "García-Pintado, Javier; Barberá, Gonzalo G.; Erena, Manuel; Castillo, Victor M.",
"Gaume, Eric; Bain, Valerie; Bernardara, Pietro; Newinger, Olivier; Barbuc, Mihai; Bateman, Allen; Blaškovičová, Lotta; Blöschl, Günter; Borga, Marco; Dumitrescu, Alexandru; Daliakopoulos, Ioannis; Garcia, Joachim; Irimescu, Anisoara; Kohnova, Silvia; Koutroulis, Aristeidis; Marchi, Lorenzo; Matreata, Simona; Medina, Vicente; Preciso, Emanuele; Sempere-Torres, Daniel; Stancalie, Gheorghe; Szolgay, Jan; Tsanis, Ioannis; Velasco, David; Viglione, Alberto",
"Georgakakos, Konstantine P.", "Gourley, Jonathan J.; Erlingis, J. M.; Smith, T. M.; Ortega, K. L.; Hong, Yang", "Gourley, Jonathan J.; Flamig, Zachary L.; Hong, Yang; Howard, Kenneth W.",
"Grillakis, M. G.; Koutroulis, Aristeidis; KOMMA, J.; Tsanis, Ioannis; Wagner, W.; Blöschl, Günter",
"Grillakis, M. G.; Tsanis, Ioannis; Koutroulis, Aristeidis", "Hapuarachchi, H. A. P.; Wang, Q. J.; Pagano, T. C.",
"Hardy, Jill; Gourley, Jonathan J.; Kirstetter, Pierre-Emmanuel; Hong, Yang; Kong, Fanyou; Flamig, Zachary L.",
"Javelle, Pierre; Fouchier, Catherine; Arnaud, Patrick; Lavabre, Jacques", "Kim, Jongho; Warnock, April; Ivanov, Valeriy Y.; Katopodes, Nikolaos D.",
"Kobold, M.; Brilly, M.", "Kong, Fanyou; Xue, Ming; Thomas, W.; Wang, Yunheng; Brewster, Keith; Wang, Xuguang; Gao, Jidong; Weiss, Steven J.; Clark, Adam; Kian, Jack; Coniglio, Michael C.; Jun Du, Jun", "Laiolo, P.; Gabellani, S.; Rebora, Nicola; Rudari, R.; Ferraris, Luca; Ratto, S.; Stevenin, H.; Cauduro, M.",
"Le Lay, Matthieu; Saulnier, Georges-Marie", "Marchi, Lorenzo; Borga, Marco; Preciso, Emanuele; Gaume, Eric", "Marchi, Lorenzo; Borga, Marco; Preciso, Emanuele; Sangati, Marco; Gaume, Eric; Bain, Valerie; Delrieu, Guy; Bonnifait, Laurent; Pogacnik, Nejc")
as <- strsplit(author_strings, ";")
els <- lapply(as, function(x) {
x <- trimws(x)
mtx <- matrix(1, length(x), length(x))
colnames(mtx) <- x
rownames(mtx) <- x
diag(mtx) <- 0
gx <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(mtx, mode = "undirected")
global_el <- do.call(rbind, els)
global_el$V3 <- 1
global_graph <- graph_from_data_frame(global_el, directed = FALSE)
# cleaning network data
network <- graph_from_data_frame(global_el, directed=FALSE)
l <- layout.fruchterman.reingold(network, niter=1500) # layout
fc <- walktrap.community(network) # community detection
# node locations
nodes <- data.frame(l); names(nodes) <- c("x", "y")
nodes$cluster <- factor(fc$membership)
nodes$label <- fc$names
nodes$degree <- degree(network)
# edge locations
edgelist <- get.edgelist(network, names=FALSE)
edges <- data.frame(nodes[edgelist[,1],c("x", "y")], nodes[edgelist[,2],c("x", "y")])
names(edges) <- c("x1", "y1", "x2", "y2")
# and now visualizing it...
p <- ggplot(nodes, aes(x=x, y=y, color=cluster, label=label, size=degree))
pq <- p + geom_text(color="black", aes(label=label, size=degree),
show.legend =FALSE) +
# nodes
geom_point(color="grey20", aes(fill=cluster),
shape=21, show.legend =FALSE, alpha=1/2) +
# edges
aes(x=x1, y=y1, xend=x2, yend=y2, label=NA),
data=edges, size=0.25, color="grey20", alpha=1/5) +
## note that here I add a border to the points
scale_fill_discrete(labels=labels) +
scale_size_continuous(range = c(5, 8)) +
panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white"),
plot.background = element_rect(fill="white"),
axis.line = element_blank(), axis.text = element_blank(),
axis.ticks = element_blank(),
axis.title = element_blank(), panel.border = element_blank(),
panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
legend.background = element_rect(colour = F, fill = "black"),
legend.key = element_rect(fill = "black", colour = F),
legend.title = element_text(color="white"),
legend.text = element_text(color="white")
) +
## changing size of points in legend
guides(fill = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size=5)))