У меня есть что-то как
![enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/WrASd.jpg)
Ищем вывод как
![enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/So1tK.jpg)
Я пытался использовать RollUp, cube, Grouping Set, но, похоже, ничего не подходит.
Вот моя неудачная попытка:
declare @t table(
[Employee Name] varchar(50),Bucket int,
[Start Inventory No] int ,[Start Inventory Amount] int,
[No Of Promise to Pay] int,[Promise to Pay Amount] int)
insert into @t
select 'A', 0,10,10000,3,100 union all
select 'A', 1,20,20000,7,500 union all
select 'B', 0,45,90000,4,200 union all
select 'B', 1,12,70000,6,600 union all
select 'c', 0,16,19000,1,500 union all
select 'c', 1,56,9000,10,2500
[Employee Name]
,Bucket=case when x.rn= 11 then 'total' else Bucket end
,[Start Inventory No]= case when x.rn= 11 then sum([Start Inventory No]) else [Start Inventory No] end
rn=ROW_NUMBER() Over(partition by [Employee Name] order by (select 1)),
from @t
([Employee Name] ,Bucket,[Start Inventory No],[Start Inventory Amount],[No Of Promise to Pay],
[Promise to Pay Amount]))X where x.Rn in (1,6,11)
group by [Employee Name]
,Bucket, rn